Here's my Axe entry for the second round of TI-Concours (drawing program). Screenshot and download link are below -- I've even attached the Homer Simpson files in case you want them

You first select the number of grays you want to use and the picture variables to store your drawing to (which will be created if they don't exist).
There are five main drawing tools: pen, line, rectangle, ellipse, and bucket, which are accessed with the top-row keys.
Either hold down 2nd to draw or press it once, draw, and press it again to stop.
To use filled rectangles or ellipses, press ZOOM or TRACE twice.
To hide or show the menu, press X,T,θ,
Colors you can use depend on the number of grays you chose (duh). Switch paint colors with MODE.
Press DEL/CLEAR to undo the last action.
Press ENTER to save and quit.