Calculator Community > TI Z80

Elimination: An RPG inspired by Earthbound / Pokemon

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NOTE: The game is now officially complete!

83+ / 84+:
84+ CE:


Hot_Dog is back!  I just couldn't get into my old account.

I have an RPG that's 75% done. It's pure ASM in app-form for TI-83+ and TI-84+ calculators. It's a 100% original RPG, but Earthbound inspired the art style, and Pokemon inspired the battle style.

I'll let the screenshots speak for themselves, but I've tried to anticipate a few questions.





Some enemies and stills

What have you finished? 10 of the 11 levels, all but 6 of about 50 regular enemies, 6 out of 7 bosses, the main game engine, 75% of the cutscenes
What's left? Apart from lots of spit-and-polish and bug fixes: Main menu, ability to save games, last level, climactic ending
What about newer calculators? Why only the 83+/84+? I would have been frustrated trying to learn the ropes.  This was a hobby project, meant to relax me with a development environment I felt comfortable with.
How big will the game be? Less than 10 app pages
No grayscale? Too much ROM required, problems making it flickerless, and grayscale would, imo, ruin the art-style.
This was formally a FPS? I couldn't do it justice.
What about music or attack animations? Too much time and space required.
About resuming your other projects (S.A.D. for example)? Too much coding involved.  With this project I was able to reuse tools from another game I had made called "Slova."

Awww yiss, that looks pretty cool!
I definitely like the monochrome graphics (I also find that grayscale is just too rough to look at on actual hardware and with moving images).

DJ Omnimaga:
Heya, nice to see you around again! I think I recall seeing a game Elimination from you before* but I do not remember if it was a similar project. This looks pretty cool, by the way :)

*EDIT: Oh right, it was the Gemini 3D hack.

Some love for B&W screenies, yay!

That's pretty cool. Writing a project that large in asm must be really time consuming. Less than 10 app pages? That seems kinda large. My biggest project comes out to almost 16 pages but that is because it was compiled in Axe and is in greyscale. Do text and sprites eat most of that?


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