Author Topic: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter  (Read 37305 times)

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #180 on: February 22, 2011, 11:51:45 pm »
I always wondered why Casio didn't let us use the 8th row of homescreen text. You may say it's because of the menus at the bottom of the screen sometimes, but the TI-85/86 had the same menu style as newer Casio calcs and we could still use Outpt on Row 8, IIRC.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 11:52:30 pm by DJ_O »

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #181 on: February 23, 2011, 02:00:54 am »
Casio calcs are good, but TI calcs are better for programming. I really hope my little brother will get a TI calc in two years instead of a Casio like I did. Then I can use his to program stuff on!
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #182 on: February 23, 2011, 02:04:39 am »
Although if the 9860G/PRIZM had something such as Axe Parser or BASIC extenders, they would rule. After all, their processors are much faster than the TI-84 Plus, which is only a 15 MHz Z80, plus the 84+ only got 24 KB of user RAM. Most large 84+ BASIC games are split into dozens of files.

The problem is that Casio BASIC interpreter is just so horribly coded that it manages to barely get any signifiant speed boost over the TI counterpart. TI screwed up really bad on the TI-Nspire, though, by not adding Locate/Getkey O.O

Offline z80man

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #183 on: February 23, 2011, 02:07:24 am »
Casio calcs are good, but TI calcs are better for programming. I really hope my little brother will get a TI calc in two years instead of a Casio like I did. Then I can use his to program stuff on!
Well that depends, if you are talking about BASIC or ASM. In the case of BASIC which you are probably talking about, TI is better (well not on the nspire), but for ASM it is debatable. Comparing a 9860g with an 83+ the 9860g will win with power, but the 83+ has more games. For a Prizm vs. nspire matchup, they are about equal in power. Right the only the nspire has games, but the Prizm has a color screen. It is really up to the programmer to choose.

Edit: darn you ninja'd me DJ
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 02:07:59 am by z80man »

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #184 on: February 23, 2011, 02:11:26 am »
Lol yeah. Something I wonder is if the 9860G could handle nDoom. The screen and HUD would need a major overhaul, though, because of the considerable resolution difference. (128x64 instead of 320x240) In nDoom, I only experience some minor slowdowns, otherwise the framerate is friggin smooth. I even think it could be slowed down more, because the screen blurs anyway.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #185 on: February 23, 2011, 03:52:51 am »
Comparing the power of assembly is one thing, but comparing how easy it is to use is another. The SH3 processor is harder for humans to program than the Z80, but the code runs faster.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #186 on: February 23, 2011, 04:06:21 am »
Yeah I heard it was harder. This is why I think there will definitively be a need for C and other languages like Axe. Otherwise few people will want to code.

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #187 on: February 23, 2011, 01:57:16 pm »
Yeah I heard it was harder. This is why I think there will definitively be a need for C and other languages like Axe. Otherwise few people will want to code.

There is a way to program in C for the Casio fx-9860GII, by downloading the Source SDK. I don't have that much experience with C though, but I'm planning to try it when I finish my RPG game for the Casio since I think there are way too little games for the Casio.
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #188 on: February 24, 2011, 11:09:52 pm »
Yeah I know, in that case I was more talking about the Prizm, though. And yeah new RPGs would be cool, there are so few. The only one I know of that is in ASM or C is Shadow World for the Algebra FX 2.0 (Does it work on FX 1.0 calcs btw?)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 11:10:26 pm by DJ_O »

Offline sjasogun1

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #189 on: February 25, 2011, 04:11:41 am »
It should work, although the algebra 1.0 plus doesn't support the MENU function, so I'd have to make custom menu's. For the rest it works the same, but creating custom menu's would make the game a lot larger.
Veni, vidi, cecidi
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #190 on: February 25, 2011, 10:30:45 pm »
Oh I meant ASM games but I guess we can include BASIC in that. I wouldn't program in AFX BASIC, though, because it's even slower than the CFX and PRIZM. X.x

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter
« Reply #191 on: January 09, 2024, 04:48:37 pm »
-The save file is now archived at most times
-You can now exit the game with CLEAR when in the menu.
-Added Doors CS header and icon (although on the regular 83+ there isn't enough space to keep both this game and DCS7 installed)
-Increased experience and gold gained per battle
-Increased elemental experience gained when using magic
-Fixed error allowing you to enter the Hope Sanctuary before obtaining any key
-Made the game slightly more family-friendly
-TODO: Add feature in battle CAST menu where pressing a number key from 1 to 6 automatically chooses the associated magic spell and use it (1 PYRO, 2 ICE, 3 BLITZ, etc). This will speed up magic selection during battles as long as you remember which spells are associated with what digit.