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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #105 on: November 02, 2013, 04:04:41 pm »
Thanks TheCoder1998!

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #106 on: November 02, 2013, 04:06:54 pm »
you're welcome  ;)
also i can't remember a decent pacman game for the ti 84+SE.
i think i know what i'm gonna do tomorrow  ;D
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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #107 on: November 02, 2013, 05:04:32 pm »
Awesome AssemblyBandit! I hope that ticalc accepts it soon so we can play it, although I doubt it, considering there are files that haven't been approved for two weeks now. In the meantime you can maybe upload it here and poke an Omni staff or Cemetech.

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Now I hope this game won't permanently halt my game progress, because I have really been waiting for it for a while and I think I might end up being addicted :P

you're welcome  ;)
also i can't remember a decent pacman game for the ti 84+SE.
i think i know what i'm gonna do tomorrow  ;D

Quigibo's version was kinda good, as well as the 1999 one. However the 1999 one doesn't fit in one screen, so you can't see everything at once.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 05:05:15 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #108 on: November 02, 2013, 05:25:49 pm »
*pokes Sorunome so that when someone uploads a tutorial or file on Omnimaga,OmnomIRC notifies the entire channel and highlights some of the active admins and juju :trollface:*
I could actually do something like that, if it was wildley requested i would actually do it :P

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #109 on: November 02, 2013, 05:30:12 pm »
Yeah I got the idea from Cemetech (SAX) actually :P
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 05:30:23 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #110 on: November 02, 2013, 05:41:52 pm »
I could make every event on the forum notify, you guys just have to tell me what to do :P

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #111 on: November 03, 2013, 04:38:00 pm »
@DJ: I have enough problems with the downloads as is! A notifier would be nice, but its hard to find admins sometimes, sometimes it takes longer to approve than!

Here's the link: PacMan

*Buttonz and Frogger have also been updated. Buttonz now has lives and in Frogger, the limit is now 4 cars per lane to avoid impossible win situations, timers have been adjusted for the fly and alligator, and now if you beat the level fast enough, you get extra points.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:00:30 pm by AssemblyBandit »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #112 on: November 03, 2013, 05:06:38 pm »
Yeah true. The issue, though, is that with the current Omni site, admins won't get notified of new files. The only way to know is to visit the download front page then scroll all the way to the bottom. In a few years, the major site overhaul is supposed to fix that and many other problems (it currently uses SMF 1.x with about 25 third-party hacks, each of which were made by different people or not linked together, while the upgraded site would use SMF 2.0.x with hacks programmed by our own staff to fit the site's needs).

Anyway awesome updates. I noticed that in Frogger, it was impossible to cross some patterns sometimes lol. Also nice addition for Buttonz. I will try to update my calc ASAP. And of course PacMan will get installed soon! *.*

EDIT: WOAH at the Pacman clone! This is definitively gonna be a huge hit. I would be surprised if ticalc didn't feature it, unless they got into a lull like a few years ago when most staff went inactive. I love how it looks in general and the speed overall. Of course there is sprite flickering, but given the platform limitations, we can easily bear with it, plus the flicker actually gave the game some old school feel.

The game is also so true to Pacman. There are a few differences, though, that could maybe be improved in future versions:

-Make eyes go faster to their hideout, maybe by making them move at 4 pixels intervals or by making them go straight to their spot?
-Make collision detection with ghosts a bit less sensitive when turning corners, much like the NES version
-Make collision detection with dots more sensitive. I noticed that sometimes, Pacman mouth is right over a dot, but if I turn back the dot remains there.

I wonder if with Calc84maniac's sound routines, you could add sound to the game, such as the sirens, death sound and startup music?

Good job!  ;D
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 09:57:38 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #113 on: November 04, 2013, 06:03:00 pm »
Thanks, that game is a beast! I'm glad its finally out, I really got tired of working on it. I realized how much I hate being constrained to do something a specific way. That game won't be updated anytime soon! I would like to address those issues but I'm bored with it for now. Different mazes will probably be added, the flicker will be reduced (maybe removed), I'll probably reduce the ghost collision all around (its at minus 2 pixels now), I like the pixel increment with the eyes :D, but I'm not sure about the pellets. Right now its time to do some R&D. I'm creating more routines and testing out different stuff. Once I get my libraries updated and organized, games will come out much faster. I really just want to hibernate right now and stay out of sight for a bit to get things situated :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 06:03:51 pm by AssemblyBandit »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #114 on: November 04, 2013, 06:05:42 pm »
Yeah I noticed that I tend to prefer making original games or ones that can be modified heavily (such as Mario), since I have more freedom.

By the way, to reduce flicker, will you do like xLIBC by switching between two GRAM areas? That would eliminate it completely, but it would slow down map loading by half.

By the way what does R&D means? ???

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #115 on: November 04, 2013, 07:23:32 pm »
Yeah, to remove the flicker I would use the screen swapping technique but I would have to change alot of the code. To reduce flicker I was just going to keep a second copy of the background on the other screen that I could copy before erasing to keep the sprite on the screen longer. It would be easy to implement but I'm not sure how much it would reduce the flicker. R&D stands for research and development. I want to make some optimized engines for different scenarios and see the limits on what can be done. It would help me out knowing what can be pulled off with what so that I can apply it to future games. I can pull off a 4 way smooth scrolling rpg engine, but I want to know the optimized resolution. I want to test out the best way to make a horizontal scrolling engine, how many sprites can I have, and how fast can it scroll. For instance, in Mario I'm thinking 160 mode with hardware scrolling. I doubt it can scroll that fast so I'll probably make the levels with a lot of blocks and stuff to keep Mario from being able to move around to quick anyway. He *has* to be around 8x8 because there is a huge performance gain when using small sprites. Because of his size it leaves a lot of room for the sky. So the levels will be multi-tiered frequently to take up the unused spaced. Enemies can't be too bright and there has to be very limited numbers and ideally they shouldn't be allowed to travel over a detailed background. I would like to test different scenarios out and make a good horizontal scrolling engine that I can apply to other games as well. I still haven't even taken my calc apart yet or thoroughly reviewed the rom. One trick I use to get a screenshot is to make a debug key and when I press it, it draws something off screen. That instantly makes the screen go crazy but since I use the ON key to exit the app all I have to do is keep pressing 2nd then ON until it turns off without altering anything. When I turn the calc back on, the screen gets reset except for the GRAM and the TIOS doesn't bother redrawing anything except for the cursor and battery icon. I just run the screenshot program and edit out the cursor and icon in Now, how did the calc know to reset the screen? Another cool thing is that only the start of a window has to be on the screen, it can end wherever and not make the screen go crazy. There is also a second level of craziness that upsets the calc so much that it does a ram reset immediately. When I figured out the sequence to start the screen for the banned one, it was based off the datasheet and display ram alone, I never checked to see how the calc does it. I really have to look through the ram, take apart the calc and see which pins go where and if there is access to them. I got this new oscilloscope and I've only turned it on to test it out...

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #116 on: November 04, 2013, 08:52:04 pm »
Oh that would be a nice idea actually. To be honest, though, to really reduce the flicker, you would need to erase one ghost then redraw it at its new position immediately, one after another, rather than erasing every ghost then displaying them at their new position again. That's unless, of course, that's already what you are doing. Else I guess you could just try to display the sprite at its new position without erasing it, then erase the extra row of pixel left behind.

And I see about R&D, hopefully that helps you make future games. As for Mario, what I have been thinking for a while is that you would definitively need to ensure that the background has no detail or very little of them (such as clouds in the sky where enemies can't go), kinda like in SMB 1. Probably no bushes either and only three enemies at a time per screen (or you could add more and make them flicker?). I think this should give you about 15-20 FPS, which should be enough to be playable. Else, if you are lucky, when drawing enemies you could just copy each background beforehand so you can redraw it later. Hopefully that won't impact speed too much.

By the way, have you seen tr1p1ea's video last April?

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 08:52:25 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #117 on: November 04, 2013, 11:01:08 pm »
I'll update PacMan later! And of course I've seen it, that video is probably the best demo of the TI84+C's horizontal scrolling and background capabilities! Mario is going to be based off SMB1 with a different level style.

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Re: TI84+C Bundle
« Reply #118 on: November 04, 2013, 11:33:41 pm »
Cool to hear. :D I'm definitively hoping that you aren't forced to do like SMB1 Special for the PC88, MSX or whatever console the non-Nintendo sequel (yes there was another game besides The Lost Levels) was for. I'm confident that scrolling and a playable framerate are both possible simultaneously. :)