Author Topic: Naruto  (Read 21276 times)

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2011, 02:53:21 pm »
yay...only 400 more chapters...
I read some after that, but i skipped a lot of chapter.
So how's this going???
Yay for the anime finally getting to the hokage summit.  We get to see sasuke fight against danzo!!! woot!

And yes, I am crazy.

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2011, 10:34:53 pm »
Sorry for the double post, it's been a while.  Anyway, if you've seen chapter 536 of the manga. omg, it's about to get REALLY interesting!

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2011, 10:01:09 pm »
Holy crap it is!  I don't want to spoil it but a special someone has appearedddddd
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Re: Naruto
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2011, 10:16:39 pm »
Just read the newest chapter. I can't wait to see what happens when they begin fighting.

(I can't believe how far behind the manga released in the US is compared to the manga released weekly in Japan)

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2011, 10:21:22 pm »
I don't read it. Might do it one time.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 10:21:39 pm by Juju »

Remember the day the walrus started to fly...

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2011, 08:11:24 pm »
Just read the newest chapter. I can't wait to see what happens when they begin fighting.

(I can't believe how far behind the manga released in the US is compared to the manga released weekly in Japan)
Just learn to use the internet ;)
You just lost the game.

Offline Scipi

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2012, 03:21:30 am »
Necro, but I have something to add =D

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Ok, so not that things are coming to a head between Naruto and Tobi and their fight, I feel we will know the true identity of Tobi soon enough. Before that though, I'd like to post my theory on who Tobi actually is, I've had this theory since the Shinobi war started. I'll put it in another spoiler for those that don't want to know yet.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Real short, Tobi is Obito Uchiha. Primarily, we see that the side of his mask without the eye hole is the same eye that Obito gave to Kakashi. Beyond the obvious similarity with hair, Uchiha, and similar name, there is one thing that utterly confirms this for me. Tobi has similar jutsu dealing with manipulating space/time as Kakashi can launch with his sharingan. We know from previous references that each individual Uchiha can have jutsu's unique to his or her sharingan. We even see in the latest episode that Tobi actually stopped Kakashi's jutsu, nullifying it with the same power.

There is also a small teaser in the last chapter. When Kakashi demanded for Tobi to remove his mask, he replied, "You don't remember faces well anyways" Implying that Tobi and Kakashi knew eachother.

Kinda spitballed together, but I wanted to say that somewhere before we actually know for sure :3

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
Spoiler For Things I find interesting:
Spoiler For AI Programming:
Spoiler For Shameless advertising:

Spoiler For OldSig:

Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: Naruto
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2012, 05:37:02 am »
I'm pretty far behind myself. I reallly need to get caught up. XD