Author Topic: eZ80 Optimized Routines  (Read 15900 times)

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Offline Xeda112358

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eZ80 Optimized Routines
« on: January 29, 2015, 09:25:53 am »
EDIT: Routines so far:
atan8 [link]

Now that the eZ80 has been confirmed as the new processor in the next line of TI calculators, I thought it would be fun to start making optimized routines in preparation!

We can take advantage of the 8-bit multiplication routine for multiplication of course. As a note, I did not find Karatusba multiplication to be faster (it was 66 to 76 clock cycles).
mul16 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Inputs: hl,bc
;;Outputs: Upper 16 bits in DE, lower 16 bits in BC
;;54 or 56 t-states
;;30 bytes
    ld d,c \ ld e,l \ mlt de \ push de ;11
    ld d,h \ ld e,b \ mlt de           ;8
    ld a,l \ ld l,c \ ld c,a           ;3
    mlt hl \ mlt bc \ add hl,bc        ;13
    jr nc,$+3 \ inc de \ pop bc        ;6
    ld a,b \ add a,l \ ld b,a          ;3
    ld a,e \ adc a,h \ ld e,a          ;3
    ret nc \ inc d \ ret               ;7 (+2 for carry)

Notice on the right side are the instruction timings. MLT is always 6 cycles and can be used in Z80 or ADL mode. All they did was include it in the extended instructions. In this case, I use Z80 mode to take advantage of some of the math and as a result, I also save 3 t-states over ADL mode which would require that add hl,bc to be done in z80 mode, so "add.s hl,bc" which costs 2 cycles instead of one, and the pushes/pops would require 4cc instead of 3cc each.

So, who wants to have fun? :D

EDIT: 5-Feb-15
mul32 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Inputs:  ix points to the first 32-bit number
;;         ix+4 points to the next 32-bit number
;;Outputs: ix+8 points to the 64-bit result
;;Algorithm: Karatsuba
;348cc to 375cc

;compute z0
    ld hl,(ix)        ;5
    ld bc,(ix+4)      ;5
    call mul16        ;59+2
    ld (ix+8),bc      ;5
    ld (ix+10),de     ;5
;compute z2           
    ld hl,(ix+2)      ;5
    ld bc,(ix+6)      ;5
    call mul16        ;59+2
    ld (ix+12),bc     ;5
    ld (ix+14),de     ;5
;compute z1, most complicated as it requires 17-bits of info for each factor
    ld hl,(ix+2)      ;5
    ld bc,(ix)        ;5
    add hl,bc         ;1
    rla               ;1
    ld b,h            ;1
    ld c,l            ;1
    ld hl,(ix+6)      ;5
    ld de,(ix+4)      ;5
    add hl,de         ;1
    rla               ;1
    push hl           ;3
    push bc           ;3
    push af           ;3
    call mul16        ;59+2
    pop af            ;3
    and 3             ;2
    ex de,hl          ;1
    pop de            ;3
    jr z,$+7 ;label0  ;3|(6+1)
;bit 0 means add [stack0] to the upper 16 bits
;bit 1 means add [stack1] to the upper 16 bits
;both mean add 2^32   
    jp po,$+5 \ or 4                     ;--
    rra \ jr nc,$+7                      ;4+4
    rrca \ add hl,bc \ adc a,0 \ rlca    ;--
    srl a \ pop de \ jr nc,$+5           ;8+2
    add hl,bc \ adc a,0                  ;
    ld d,b \ ld e,c                      ;2

;z1 = AHLDE-z0-z2
    ld bc,(ix+8) \ ex de,hl \ sbc hl,bc              ;8
    ld bc,(ix+10) \ ex de,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ sbc a,0   ;10

    ld bc,(ix+12) \ ex de,hl \ sbc hl,bc             ;8
    ld bc,(ix+14) \ ex de,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ sbc a,0   ;10
    ex de,hl                                         ;1

    ld bc,(ix+10) \ add hl,bc \ ld (ix+10),hl \ ex de,hl  ;12
    ld bc,(ix+12) \ adc hl,bc \ ld (ix+12),hl \ adc a,0   ;13
    ret z \ ld hl,(ix+14) \ add a,l \ ld l,a              ;7+16
    jr nc,$+3 \ inc h \ ld (ix+14),hl \ ret               ;--
gcd16 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Expect Z80 mode
;;Inputs: HL,DE
;;Output: HL
;;        BC=0
;;        DE=0
;;        A=0
;Binary GCD algorithm
;About 432cc on average (average of 500 iterations with randomized inputs on [0,65535]
;78 bytes
    xor a
    ld b,a
    ld c,a
    sbc hl,bc
    ex de,hl
    ret z
    sbc hl,bc
    ex de,hl
    ret z

;factor out cofactor powers of two
    ld a,l \ or e \ rra \ jr nc,$+16
    srl h \ rr l
    srl d \ rr e
    inc b
    ld a,l \ or e \ rra \ jr nc,$-12
;factor out powers of 2 from hl
    ld a,l \ rra \ ld a,h \ jr c,$+10
    rra \ rr l \ bit 0,l \ jr z,$-5 \ ld h,a
;factor out powers of 2 from de
    ld a,e \ rra \ ld a,d \ jr c,$+10
    rra \ rr e \ bit 0,e \ jr z,$-5 \ ld d,a

    xor a
    sbc hl,de
    jr z,finish
    jr nc,loop
    add hl,de
    or a
    ex de,hl
    sbc hl,de
    jr loop
    ex de,hl
    dec b
    inc b
    ret z
    add hl,hl \ djnz $-1 \ ret
sqrt16 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Expext Z80 mode
;;Inputs: HL
;;Output: A
;Unrolled, speed optimized.
;At most 112 clock cycles
;111 bytes.
    xor a \ ld c,a \ ld d,a \ ld e,l \ ld l,h \ ld h,c

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ ld a,c \ rla
    sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ ld a,c \ rla
    sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ ld a,c \ rla
    sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ ld a,c \ rla
    sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    add hl,hl \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ ld a,c \ rla
    sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    sla c \ ld a,c \ add a,a \ add hl,hl \ add hl,hl
    jr nc,$+5 \ sub h \ jr $+5 \ sub h \ jr nc,$+5 \ inc c \ cpl \ ld h,a

    ld e,h \ ld h,l \ ld l,c \ ld a,l
    add hl,hl \ rl e \ rl d
    add hl,hl \ rl e \ rl d
    sbc hl,de \ rla \ ret
rand24 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Inputs: seed1,seed2
;; AHL is the pseudo-random number
;; seed1,seed2 incremented accordingly
;;Destroys: BC,DE
;; seed1*243+83 mod 65519 -> seed1
;; seed2*251+43 mod 65521 -> seed2
;; Output seed1*seed2 mod 16777259
;;215cc worst case
ld hl,(seed1)
    ld d,h
    ld h,243
    ld e,h
    mlt hl
    mlt de
    ld a,83
    add a,l
    ld l,a
    ld a,h
    adc a,e
    ld h,a
    ld a,d
    adc a,0

;now AHL mod 65519
; Essentially, we can at least subtract A*65519=A(65536-17), so add A*17 to HL
    ld c,a
    ld b,17
    mlt bc
    add hl,bc

ld de,65519
jr nc,$+5
or a \ sbc hl,de
or a \ sbc hl,de
jr nc,$+3
add hl,de
ld (seed1),hl
;seed1 done, now we need to do seed2

ld hl,(seed2)
    ld d,h
    ld h,251
    ld e,h
    mlt hl
    mlt de
    ld a,43
    add a,l
    ld l,a
    ld a,h
    adc a,e
    ld h,a
    ld a,d
    adc a,0

;now AHL mod 65521
; Essentially, we can at least subtract A*65521=A(65536-15), so add A*15 to HL
    ld c,a
    ld b,15
    mlt bc
    add hl,bc

ld de,65521
jr nc,$+5
or a \ sbc hl,de
or a \ sbc hl,de
jr nc,$+3
add hl,de
ld (seed2),hl

;now seed1 and seed 2 are computed
;seed1*seed2 mod 16777259

ld bc,(seed1)
call mul16   ; -> DEBC
;16777259 = 2^24+43
;D2^24+EBC mod 16777259 = EBC+(D*2^24+43D-43D) mod 16777259
;D2^24+EBC mod 16777259 = EBC+(16777259D-43D) mod 16777259
;D2^24+EBC mod 16777259 = EBC-43D mod 16777259
    ld a,e
    ld e,43
    mlt de
    ld h,b \ ld l,c
    or a
    sbc hl,de
    sbc a,0
    ret nc
    ld bc,43
    add hl,bc

Set Buffer optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Any mode
;;Inputs: A is the byte to set each byte in the buffer to
;;        HL points to the buffer
;;        BC is the buffer size, greater than 1
;;8 bytes
;;14+3*BC clock cycles
    ld (hl),a
    dec bc
    ld d,h
    ld e,l
    inc de

EDIT 9-Feb-15
HL*A/255 (can be used for division by 3,5,15,17,51, and 85, among others)
This one performs A*HL/255. Be warned that this does not work on certain boundary values. For example, A=85 would imply division by 3, but if you input HL as divisible by 3, you get one less than the actual result. So 9*85/255 should return 3, but this routine returns 2 instead.
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Description: Multiplies HL by A/255
;;Inputs: A,HL
;;Outputs: HL is the result
;;         A is a copy of the upper byte of the result
;;         DE is the product of the input A,H
;;         B is a copy of E
;;         C is a copy of the upper byte of the product of inputs A,L
;;18 bytes
    ld d,a
    ld e,h
    ld h,d
    mlt hl
    mlt de
; DE
; HL
;  HL
    ld c,h
    ld b,e
    ld a,d
    add hl,bc \ adc a,0
    add hl,de \ adc a,0
    ld l,h \ ld h,a
HL*A/255 "fixed"
Modifying this to correct the rounding issue is a pain in terms of speed hit and size hit:
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Description: Multiplies HL by A/255
;;Inputs: A,HL
;;Outputs: HL is the result
;;26 bytes
    push af
    ld d,a
    ld e,l
    ld l,d
    mlt hl
    mlt de
; HL
; DE
;  DE
    ld c,d
    ld b,l
    ld a,h
    add hl,de \ adc a,0
    add hl,bc \ adc a,0
    ld d,l \ ld l,h \ ld h,a
    pop af  \ add a,e
    ret nc
    adc a,d
    ret nc
    inc hl
HL*A/255 Rounded
However, rounding it is at little cost and works well:
Code: [Select]
;;Expects Z80 mode
;;Description: Multiplies HL by A/255
;;Inputs: A,HL
;;Outputs: HL is the result
;;23 bytes
    ld d,a
    ld e,l
    ld l,d
    mlt hl
    mlt de
; HL
; DE
;  DE
    ld c,d
    ld b,l
    ld a,h
    add hl,de \ adc a,0
    add hl,bc \ adc a,0
    ld l,h \ ld h,a
    sla e \ jr nc,$+3 \ inc hl
sqrt24 optimized
Finally, a routine that expects ADL mode instead of Z80 mode! This is an integer square root routine, but can be used for 8.8 fixed point numbers by copying the fixed point number to HL as 8.16 where the lower 8 bits are zero (or if you had extended precision from a previous calculation, feel free to use that). then the square root is 4.8
Code: [Select]
;;Expects ADL mode
;;Inputs: HL
;;Outputs: DE is the integer square root
;;         HL is the difference inputHL-DE^2
;;         c flag reset
    xor a \ ld b,l \ push bc \ ld b,a \ ld d,a \ ld c,a \ ld l,a \ ld e,a
;Iteration 1
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a
;Iteration 2
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl e \ ld a,e
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a
;Iteration 3
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl e \ ld a,e
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a
;Iteration 4
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl e \ ld a,e
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a
;Iteration 5
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl e \ ld a,e
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a
;Iteration 6
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl e \ ld a,e
    sub c \ jr nc,$+6 \ inc e \ inc e \ cpl \ ld c,a

;Iteration 7
    add hl,hl \ rl c \ add hl,hl \ rl c \ rl b
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ push hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+8
    ld a,h \ cpl \ ld b,a
    ld a,l \ cpl \ ld c,a
    pop hl
    jr nc,$+4 \ inc hl \ inc hl
    ex de,hl
;Iteration 8
    add hl,hl \ ld l,c \ ld h,b \ adc hl,hl \ adc hl,hl
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ sbc hl,de \ add hl,de \ ex de,hl
    jr nc,$+6 \ sbc hl,de \ inc de \ inc de
;Iteration 9
    pop af
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ rla \ adc hl,hl
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ sbc hl,de \ add hl,de \ ex de,hl
    jr nc,$+6 \ sbc hl,de \ inc de \ inc de
;Iteration 10
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ rla \ adc hl,hl
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ sbc hl,de \ add hl,de \ ex de,hl
    jr nc,$+6 \ sbc hl,de \ inc de \ inc de
;Iteration 11
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ rla \ adc hl,hl
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ sbc hl,de \ add hl,de \ ex de,hl
    jr nc,$+6 \ sbc hl,de \ inc de \ inc de
;Iteration 11
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ rla \ adc hl,hl
    ex de,hl \ add hl,hl \ sbc hl,de \ add hl,de \ ex de,hl
    jr nc,$+6 \ sbc hl,de \ inc de \ inc de

    rr d \ rr e \ ret
It is huge and I believe less than 240cc.
div16 optimized
Code: [Select]
;;Inputs: DE is the numerator, BC is the divisor
;;Outputs: DE is the result
;;         A is a copy of E
;;         HL is the remainder
;;         BC is not changed
;140 bytes
    xor a \ sbc hl,hl

    ld a,d
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ cpl \ ld d,a

    ld a,e
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ adc hl,hl \ sbc hl,bc \ jr nc,$+3 \ add hl,bc
    rla \ cpl \ ld e,a
prng24 optimized
This is a lot faster and smaller than the rand24 routine. I'm also pretty sure this routine wins on unpredictability, too, and it has a huge cycle length.
Code: [Select]
;;Expects ADL mode.
;;Output: HL
;;33 bytes
;;cycle length: 281,474,959,933,440 (about 2.8 trillion)
    ld de,(seed1)
    or a
    sbc hl,hl
    add hl,de
    add hl,hl
    add hl,hl
    inc l
    add hl,de
    ld (seed1),hl
    ld hl,(seed2)
    add hl,hl
    sbc a,a
    and %00011011
    xor l
    ld l,a
    ld (seed2),hl
    add hl,de
Spoiler For template for Zeda because she is lazy:
routine optimized
Code: [Select]

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 08:52:16 am »
Well I didn't read it through but that would be sure helpful!
Also, the comments assume z80 mode? So it only works for 16bit multiplication? And the result also only being in 16 bit?

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2015, 09:02:00 am »
No, the eZ80 has two modes, ADL mode (24-bit) and Z80 (16-bit). In Z80 mode, certain instructions are one or two cycles faster, so it is beneficial for me to use that mode since I don't use any ADL-specific instructions. As well, add hl,hl sets the c flag on 16-bit overflow in Z80 mode, which I needed, but doesn't set it in ADL mode (it has to overflow 24 bits). Since there is no easy way to access the top bits of HL, it would have to be performed in Z80 mode, making it take even more clock cycles.

The full 32-bit result is returned.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2015, 09:03:44 am »
*24-bit result is returned :P

Also, does that mean the factors can only be 16 bit?

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2015, 09:11:02 am »
As it is only a 16-bit by 16-bit multiplication, yes, only up to 16-bit factors :P

And the upper 16 bits of the result are in DE, lower 16 in BC.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2015, 02:12:41 pm »
Ui, so many new routines! I especially like your template!
Also, I didn't read them through but the titles are promising :)

EDIT: what is gcd?

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2015, 02:17:37 pm »
GCD is the Greatest Common Divisor. So GCD(15,27) is 3 since 3 is the largest number that divides both 27 and 15. It isn't used often, bt if somebody wanted to make a 16-bit rational library *cough*I should*cough* it is extremely useful.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2015, 02:54:35 pm »
Oh, thanks!
And yay more library stuff by xeda :P

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2015, 05:34:59 pm »
We need a math lib for z80. Do it.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2015, 08:35:51 am »
For the Z80, I made floating point routines for 80-bit floats (64-bit precision) and 24-bit floats (16-bit precision). I just started working on a single-precision floating point library for the eZ80 and Z80 that is conforming to IEEE-754 standards and it is going alright.

I've written a bunch of fixed-point and integer routines, too.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2015, 10:33:25 am »
So far today I have added
hl*a/255 which can be useful for things like dividing by anything divisible by 255 (like 3,5,15,17,51,85) as well as other values!
sqrt2424-bit integer square root, which can be useful for 8.8 fixed point square root (as 12 bits of precision are needed).
div16 is the 16-bit division. It is 145cc versus the 56cc worst case for mul16. The eZ80 will have a big advantage with multiplication over division.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2015, 10:27:22 pm »
For those who don't care to check for timings and stuff, there was a trick for the Z80 to speed up copying data in RAM faster than LDIR. THe premise was to unroll the loop as LDI \ LDI \ ... \ LDI \ jp pe,ldi_loop
LDI is 16cc, the jump is 10cc, and an LDIR is 21cc for each byte, minus 5 (the last copied byte is 16cc). So unrolled to 4 LDI instructions saves 10cc for every 4 bytes, unrolled 8, 12, or 16 times saves  30, 50, or 70 cc for each chunk.

For the eZ80, this trick does not work. LDIR takes 3cc for each byte copied, plus 2cc for the last one, whereas LDI takes 5cc. This makes LDIR asymptotically faster than any unrolled LDI loop by 40% and the very worst (less than 1 in a ten million opportunities) is exactly the same speed.

TL;DR: On the eZ80, always use LDIR to copy chunks of data.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2015, 07:21:40 am »
That "one in ten million" is when bc = 1? How does pipelining work for an instruction like ldir (or any of the other repeat instructions)?

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2015, 10:53:06 pm »
That "one in ten million" is when bc = 1? How does pipelining work for an instruction like ldir (or any of the other repeat instructions)?
Yup, it is when BC=1. Pipelining works for ldir by reading the first byte of the instruction (1cc) then the next (1cc), then I am assuming each iteration does the RAM copy (2cc to read byte, then write), increment/decrement stuff (1cc). I assume looping comes at no additional cost.

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Re: eZ80 Optimized Routines
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2018, 10:45:21 pm »
Here is a fast and accurate arctan routine. It only works on the range [0,1), but it is easy enough to extend the range to any input. It's only good to approximately 8 bits, though.

Input is in E, output is H=256*atan(E/256). For example, E=177 returns H=154. In reality, 256*atan(177/256)=154.8633...
Code: [Select]
;returns H=256*arctan(E/256)
;48cc if ADL mode
;takes 164cc to call this on the TI-84+CE
  ld c,201
  ld b,e
  mlt bc    ;x*201
  xor a
  sub e
  ld d,a
  mlt de    ;x(256-x)
  ld l,e
  ld h,70
  ld e,h
  mlt de  ;upper bytes
  mlt hl  ;lower bytes
  ld a,e
  add a,h
  ld l,a
  ld h,d
  jr nc,$+3
  inc h
  add hl,bc
EDIT: Added some screen shots comparing the functions and showing the error. It looks like the result deviates as far as 1.5/256 from the actual.