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  1. Warper - Sci-Fi Beat-em-Up
  2. Gateway to Legend
  3. Sorcery of Uvutu PC Port
  4. Driller kNight [pc]
  5. Clawboard - a MIDI controller for paws
  6. Open world engine for RPGs
  7. Pebble MPD Client
  8. Claw, the open embedded development system
  9. haroldbot (theorem prover / solver)
  10. Stoichiometry Solver
  11. [School project] Stress-o-matic
  12. [HTML5/javascript] Platformer game
  13. Using arTICL on an MSP430 Launchpad.
  14. My [WIP] irc bot
  15. After Dark [Mindstorm NXT (Basically a TI 84) ]
  16. NEED PROGRAMMERS, will pay, read for more info
  17. Quest for the Golden Plunger
  18. 3D Polygons on a TRS-80 Color Computer
  19. [BETA] Paintball
  20. Ping meter
  21. FrostByte - Bitwise operations calculator for Windows Phone
  22. IoT Led Marquee
  23. Piworld PC Updates
  24. Computers based on Decimal instead of Binary
  25. Chess Wars (Chess themed Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars clone)
  26. System Crash 2
  27. Supersonic Ball PC
  28. eZ8 IRC bot
  29. pimath's VM - Twilight The Arch Mage (or Twilight, for short)
  30. The Forge - PC Build
  31. Sorunomes IRC Bots
  32. [SQUARE], minimalist html5 game
  33. Random Tetrimino Generator for Android!
  34. The Hunt
  35. [idea] Hack This Game - Teaching C in a Fun Way
  36. Abandoned
  37. [Android] zCraft Nightmare Survival
  38. Back to cretaceous
  39. Redstone-oriented Minecraft clone
  40. Ludum Dare 30
  41. Beast Hunt
  42. @nikky_ebooks
  43. FlutterBot
  44. The Red Fly - A space exploration game
  45. "Remainder" - app that shows how much time is left in the day
  46. Project Thundercloud: The Video Game
  47. Swerve Drive Simulator
  48. MTD for the OUYA
  49. Block Shot Fortress - A Bloxel/FPS/MOBA Game
  50. SilverLink Clone - Wip Beta