Author Topic: Lubuntu greeter screen goes black, can't log in  (Read 5052 times)

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Lubuntu greeter screen goes black, can't log in
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:05:30 pm »
So I have this old Dell Dimension 4700 that I want to use as a dedicated emulation box. For some reason though, parts of the Lubuntu greeter will appear (just the wallpaper and the mouse) for a few seconds, then turn into a black screen with a blinking cursor. When I try to log in with one of the other TTYs, it will show the "Welcome to Ubuntu" text for a split second, then go right back to the login prompt. I'm using Lubuntu 13.10. Any thoughts? It worked just fine before today.

Also, another weird thing. I tried to reinstall Lubuntu, but the installer kernel panics (and shows no useful information) as soon as I hit "Install" or "Try Lubuntu without installing".

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Re: Lubuntu greeter screen goes black, can't log in
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2014, 12:43:39 pm »
This sounds similar to a problem I once had on Ubuntu on this laptop. I don't remember how it should be fixed, but it got fixed quickly with the help of those guys on the official #ubuntu irc channel. They'll probablly be able to help you as well.
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Re: Lubuntu greeter screen goes black, can't log in
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2014, 06:24:19 am »
I fixed the problem. It turns out that some of the RAM in the computer was bad. I took out the bad RAM and everything works fine now.

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Re: Lubuntu greeter screen goes black, can't log in
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2014, 01:55:35 pm »
Glad you fixed it.

I was going to mention that I'd been having trouble with light-locker turning the screen black after logging in (which seems to be a pretty common bug in Xubuntu right now) but I guess it's a different issue.