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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #105 on: February 13, 2011, 09:54:23 pm »
Spaces can be in the name, right? Because that would be really cool... just sayin' >_>

Also, as a neat little trick, if you make it 9 bytes instead, the user can define the type of var using a letter as a prefix. When you do _CheckFindSym it automatically does "and 1Fh" on the type byte, so in BASIC, if you use E which is 45h, that is read as 05h... which is a program. if you do 5 which is 35h or U which is 55h, it is read as 15h which signals an appvar... >_> Just sayin', it could be useful...

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #106 on: February 13, 2011, 10:27:48 pm »
Spaces can be in the name, right? Because that would be really cool... just sayin' >_>

Also, as a neat little trick, if you make it 9 bytes instead, the user can define the type of var using a letter as a prefix. When you do _CheckFindSym it automatically does "and 1Fh" on the type byte, so in BASIC, if you use E which is 45h, that is read as 05h... which is a program. if you do 5 which is 35h or U which is 55h, it is read as 15h which signals an appvar... >_> Just sayin', it could be useful...

Useful, yes, but how many people would use that?  This is, after all, aimed at people who prefer Ti-Basic

Oh, and no spaces :(

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #107 on: February 13, 2011, 10:30:33 pm »
Awww, okay :D So just the standard letters and numbers... That should be doable. *sniffle* :P

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #108 on: February 13, 2011, 10:34:38 pm »
Awww, okay :D So just the standard letters and numbers... That should be doable. *sniffle* :P

[I'm having a little bit of fun, don't mean to offend] Please don't, I hate seeing a girl cry :( [/I'm having a little bit of fun, don't mean to offend]

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #109 on: February 13, 2011, 10:38:57 pm »
's... 's okay... I think I'll just go cry myself to sleep now  :'(

So as not to get too offtopic, I am making it so that if the variable is archived you won't be able to edit the set, but you can still look at it. I was going to use an input to make the size of the variable and the sprites, but I guess I will try to make that handled by the user. Right now, a string input is required for the name and it searches, if the var doesn't exist, it creates it with whatever settings.

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #110 on: February 13, 2011, 10:45:34 pm »
For size, I think all you need from the user is what the starting character numbers and ending character numbers are.  This gives the number of characters.  From there, you multiply by the size in bytes of each character, add 4, add 2 (2 bytes in a program tells the calculator how many tokens are in the program), etc. and you have your program size

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #111 on: February 13, 2011, 10:51:50 pm »
I love the math involved in assembly ^-^ I am working with bits and modulus'... I am taking advantage of bcalls with this one to save memory... I'm going to have to anyways for the sprite editor because it will be super fast otherwise :D

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #112 on: February 13, 2011, 11:02:41 pm »
Lol, even though you can do the math B_CALLS are great.  I hate it when assembly programmers put down B_CALLS, because they have their uses

I forgot to mention, on the table of Ti-83+ tokens and characters, you'll see some areas blacked out.  Let the user know that the character is not available directly, but they should still be allowed to create a character for that spot.  (For instance, they should be allowed to design a character after the one they made for ":".)  In the advanced section of the manual I list tips and tricks for taking advantage of those areas.

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #113 on: February 13, 2011, 11:05:22 pm »
Okay, I'll try... But I won't need to use bcalls for math because I am just doing integer math... I am going to be using things like PutS (4510) and DispHL (4507) and stuff like that.

Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #114 on: February 13, 2011, 11:06:41 pm »
Ah, that makes sense now ;D

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #115 on: February 15, 2011, 04:31:14 am »
Thanks to DJ's suggestion, you can now have custom windows for displaying text.  The custom window is used only with Correlation, so you can display text that won't interefere with anything you want to draw outside the window.  Notice in this screenshot, I could include statistics at the very bottom of the screen if I wanted to, statistics that cannot be erased.

This doesn't work with masked sprites yet, but I plan to fix that.

Ti-Basic Source Code:

7->ThetaMin      ;Left-Hand Coordinates of the Window
88->ThetaMax   ;Right-Hand Coordinates of the Window
7->TMin        ;Top Coordinate of the Window
58->TMax   ;Bottom Coordinate of the Window
60->ThetaStep  ;The Map is 60 tiles wide
int("FF    ;This command is REQUIRED if even one window coordinate is changed.  It does the final steps in creating a window.

Nice, this would really be useful. ;D
Lol, even though you can do the math B_CALLS are great.  I hate it when assembly programmers put down B_CALLS, because they have their uses

I forgot to mention, on the table of Ti-83+ tokens and characters, you'll see some areas blacked out.  Let the user know that the character is not available directly, but they should still be allowed to create a character for that spot.  (For instance, they should be allowed to design a character after the one they made for ":".)  In the advanced section of the manual I list tips and tricks for taking advantage of those areas.
I think they can be very useful. Even Axe uses them. The only time I feel they should not be used is when speed is important. For example, Axe's bitmap command is considerably slower than Quigibo's sprite command.

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #116 on: February 24, 2011, 03:32:50 am »
XOR, OR, AND, MASK and OVERWRITE sprites/clipping are working perfectly now.  In addition, after much deliberation, I made masked sprites much, much, much easier to design.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #117 on: February 25, 2011, 04:00:49 pm »
Oh great, masked sprites :love: . This should make BASIC even more interesting. ;D

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #118 on: March 07, 2011, 12:52:46 am »
You can now access archived fonts.  In this screenshot, pgrmTESTTWOT is the font that the example program uses.  You can, of course, see that it is archived ;D

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Re: Correlation Progress
« Reply #119 on: March 07, 2011, 09:26:15 am »
Hey, it's nice to see that you can use archived fonts directly now. :) Keep up the good work!