Author Topic: Calculator Crashed-any ideas why  (Read 5370 times)

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Calculator Crashed-any ideas why
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:19:00 pm »
Hi-First post!!!;D ;D

Anyway, when I tried to delete a certain os.img from my ti-nspire cx cas w/ndless v3.1 installed AFTER using nover it rebooted. any ideas why? It is annoying because it took up a *lot* of space (~9megs) And i currently do not have access to a computer with the ti software installed :w00t:

On another note, when I tried to import plutonia.wad (~19megs) for ndoom it restarted and displayed a system error halfway through. I had to completely reformat the flash  memory and reinstall the os which was VERY annoying as well. Any ideas as to why this happened?

On yet ANOTHER note, is there any way that I can play ti-BASIC games without a ti-84 keyboard attached???? I doubt it

Thanks for all your help!

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Re: Calculator Crashed-any ideas why
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 10:35:18 pm »
You... kinda deleted the OS. :P
The TI-Nspire OS is around 9 MBs (see here), and deleting something arbitrary like "os.img"... well, I don't know what you were expecting. :P

What's interesting though is that you got to see this "os.img". Could you tell us exactly how you did all of this, what you saw, etc.? Be VERY descriptive - you might have found an interesting bug for us to play with. ;)

Anyway, just reinstall, and don't delete os.img :P

For TI-8x games, no, we don't have a working emulator yet. calc84maniac had a project like that, but he lost all the source code.
I might port SDLWabbitemu to the Nspire, but it would be kinda slow... only time will tell.
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