Halo is still M-rated violence which is what I thought we were talking about. Not to mention heavy swearing from the marines if you play on legendary. And multiplayer you shoot other master chiefs, which are at least human-esque.
@bush, lol no one likes him he's an idiot. He seems to have good intentions, but he's stupid. Personally I prefer him to clinton or kerry at least. Seems like all our people running for president these days are a bunch of n00bs. Well, all the republican/democrat people anyways. The
http://www.lp.org/ don't have huge a** political parties with billions of $$$ to spend on campaigns so all the normal n00bs out there don't even know they exist.

I, for one, refuse to vote for the n00b that is slightly less n00b than the other n00b. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The ideal form of government is as little government as possible. Just enough to like, have an army and to keep us from killing each other (police, firemen, stuff like that). Meh. I'm moving
http://freestateproject.org/ when they get that set up. Woot for the hedgehog!
Goddamn we really are very very off topic. Wanna split it? I can rant on this all day too. :>