Author Topic: Mimas: Grammer Include File  (Read 2944 times)

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Offline NonstickAtom785

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Mimas: Grammer Include File
« on: February 26, 2020, 10:00:25 am »
I converted the include file( into a Mimas Library(.8xv). If anyone was trying to use Grammer functions in Mimas here you go. This include file can be used to program Grammer assembly programs on-calc.

Edit: The previous file I uploaded was heavily big because I failed to realize the mass of the code was all commented O.O . So I removed all the extra's and made it smaller. I updated the link.

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« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 03:20:10 pm by NonstickAtom785 »
Grammer2 is Good!