Calculator Community > Lua

Updating WZGUILib

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DJ Omnimaga:
Good to see a new update :D

Here is the newest update. Shows the new look of buttons and checkboxes. There will be more to come as I update the looks of the controls.
This also fixes the tab control yet again. I tested it thoroughly and all drawing problems should be fixed.
I plan to add a way to scroll through the tabs.

DJ Omnimaga:
Pretty nice, as always. :D By the way, I wonder if gradients in title bars would look nice?

So I have been working off and on when I get time, I think I will round off what I have done once I rewrite textboxes and make an actual release, but that may not be for a while as it depends on the time that I have. I have done some optimizations and I would like to do more if it is possible so that this library will be sped up.

DJ Omnimaga:
You are finally getting your front page mention for this program. I don't know if it's still being worked on, but I finally cleared the 2 years long utility feature pending queue and the news will appear as soon as staff approves it. :)


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