Author Topic: Size of usb_device_request_t unknown?  (Read 4805 times)

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Offline gudenau

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Size of usb_device_request_t unknown?
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:19:46 pm »
When I copy the struct from the includes it says that it is already defined. I hope I get better at this soon.

Code: [Select]
#include <os.h>
#include <usbdi.h>
#include <usb.h>
#include <nspireio2.h>
#include "main.h"

int *controllerCount = 0;

static int match(device_t self) {
struct usb_attach_arg *uaa = device_get_ivars(self);

if (!uaa->iface){

usb_interface_descriptor_t *id = usbd_get_interface_descriptor(uaa->iface);

if (!id){

if (id->bInterfaceClass == UICLASS_VENDOR &&
id->bInterfaceSubClass == UISUBCLASS_XBOX360_CONTROLLER &&
id->bInterfaceProtocol == UIPROTO_XBOX360_GAMEPAD){

struct softc_360 {
// Standered
device_t sc_dev;
usbd_interface_handle sc_iface;
usbd_pipe_handle sc_intrpipe;
int sc_ep_addr;
struct s_usb_pipe_buf sc_ibuf;
int sc_isize;
int sc_enabled;

// Device specific
int16_t buttons;
signed char lTrigger;
signed char rTrigger;
int16_t leftX;
int16_t leftY;
int16_t rightX;
int16_t rightY;

struct report_360 {
char unused[2];
int16_t buttons;
signed char lTrigger;
signed char rTrigger;
int16_t leftX;
int16_t leftY;
int16_t rightX;
int16_t rightY;
char unused2[6];

static void intr_360(usbd_xfer_handle __attribute__((unused)) xfer, usbd_private_handle addr, usbd_status status){
struct softc_360 *sc = addr;

struct report_360 *ibuf = (struct report_360 *)sc->sc_ibuf.buf;


sc->buttons = ibuf->buttons;
sc->lTrigger = ibuf->lTrigger;
sc->rTrigger = ibuf->rTrigger;
sc->leftX = ibuf->leftX;
sc->leftY = ibuf->leftY;
sc->rightX = ibuf->rightX;
sc->rightY = ibuf->rightY;

static int attach(device_t self){
struct softc_360 *sc = device_get_softc(self);

struct usb_attach_arg *uaa = device_get_ivars(self);
usbd_status err;

if(sc == NULL){
return ENXIO;

sc->sc_iface = uaa->iface;
sc->sc_dev = self;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *ed = usbd_interface2endpoint_descriptor(sc->sc_iface, 0);
sc->sc_ep_addr = ed->bEndpointAddress;
sc->sc_isize = sizeof(struct softc_360);

usbd_set_protocol(sc->sc_iface, 0);
usbd_set_idle(sc->sc_iface, 0, 0);

sc->sc_ibuf.dummy1 = 0;
sc->sc_ibuf.dummy2 = 0;
sc->sc_ibuf.buf = malloc(sc->sc_isize);

return ENXIO;

err = usbd_open_pipe_intr(sc->sc_iface, sc->sc_ep_addr, USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK, &sc->sc_intrpipe, sc, &sc->sc_ibuf, sc->sc_isize, intr_360, USBD_DEFAULT_INTERVAL);

return ENXIO;

sc->sc_enabled = 1;
*controllerCount = 1;

struct usb_device_request_t ledReq;

return 0;

static int detach(device_t self){
struct softc_360 *sc = device_get_softc(self);

sc->sc_enabled = 0;

*controllerCount = 0;

return 0;

static int (*methods[])(device_t) = {match, attach, detach, NULL};

void register360(void){
nl_relocdata((unsigned*)methods, sizeof(methods) / sizeof(methods[0]) - 1);
usb_register_driver(2, methods, "c360", 0, sizeof(struct softc_360));

FILE *file;
file = fopen("/documents/ndless/xboxPointer.cfg.tns", "w");
fwrite(controllerCount, 1, sizeof(controllerCount), file);

Build output:
Code: [Select]
rm -f *.o *.elf *.tns ./*.gdb
nspire-gcc -Wall -W -marm -Os -c handler.c
handler.c: In function 'attach':
handler.c:118:30: error: storage size of 'ledReq' isn't known
handler.c:118:30: warning: unused variable 'ledReq' [-Wunused-variable]
make: *** [handler.o] Error 1

Offline Adriweb

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Re: Size of usb_device_request_t unknown?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 07:45:51 pm »
I think it means gcc can't find the struct, thus nor its size.

Isn't usb_device_request_t a typedef already ? (so you don't have to write "struct usb_device_request_t", but rather just "usb_device_request_t" ?)
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Offline gudenau

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Re: Size of usb_device_request_t unknown?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2013, 07:52:00 pm »
I do think I need struct in there. I do think it can find it just fine as it does not like me making a new struct of the same name.

Ok, it looks like removing struct worked... That is needed sometimes, newish to c, but not programming. Thanks for the help.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:53:58 pm by gudenau »

Offline Adriweb

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Re: Size of usb_device_request_t unknown?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2013, 08:26:01 pm »
Ok, it looks like removing struct worked... That is needed sometimes, newish to c, but not programming. Thanks for the help.
Well, it's needed when you haven't typedef a struct :)

And, np.
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