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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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2 staff demoted
« on: October 27, 2007, 01:47:00 pm »
We are sorry to announce the leaving of two of our most recent staff member on Omnimaga. First one is tama, who has joined during summer and is known a lot on french z80 TI forums, and second one is Harrierfalcon, who was working on Metroid Pi II (see calculator projects and ideas forum) and Artistic 2.0. The reason for their leaving is due to them having slowly lost interest in contributing to Omnimaga as staff and eventually moved or decided to stick to other TI communities. We are sorry to see them go, we hope they still come around sometimes and don't give up on their projects.

At the moment we are still hiring new staff, altough you need to have been member of the board and active for at least a month and be good at least at one of the following to be hired: A TI calculator programming language (such as TI-BASIC, ASM and C), a PC game maker program (RPG Maker, The Game Factory, Game Maker, etc.) or a computer game programming language.

We are currently not hiring any electronic music producers, we are still deciding about it.

UPDATE (10/29/07): Harrierfalcon has been reinstated as staff but flagged as on "hiatus" in the about sections, along with Tenniskid493, Spellshaper, Alex and Netham45. We are pleased to add Art_Of_Camelot in our staff as TI programmer.


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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 02:12:00 pm »
I've been busy with schoolwork, and it's kind of pain to go to all the TI-Forums I'm at (UTI, Cemetech, Omnimaga, TI-Freakware, OTBP) and post updates.  You'll notice in my sig that I point people who want to know progress to my UTI profile.  It's getting to be too much of a hassle to update 4-5 sigs every time I make significant progress.

That said, I can't blame you.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 02:21:00 pm »
I see, i was just upset because you were still active on UTI, so I thought omni didn't interested you as much anymore (I also noticed you posted like twice per month maybe too) or that you had some kind of feud against us or a staff (I can understand how you hate huge BASIC games though (like metroid II: evolution and XXR) and that it's what makes 70% of the entire site/projects). That said if it wasn't the case then just pm me immediately if you want staff position back and I will just flag you as inactive like Spellshaper, Alex and Sonata.

That said it is pretty hard for me to understadn USA school system since over here it's very different (we only have like two project/homework rushes per year and in the two last years we only have one and it's even more simpler in some cases). Someone should enlighten me on this :Swacko.gif


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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 03:06:00 pm »
Admittedly, UTI is the first calc forum I came across, Cemetech the second, and here the third.  It's kind of weird, I know; when I first got to UTI I made like 10 posts a day, now it's more like once a week.  I really don't see what I can say that adds anything useful, most of the time.

I don't hate huge Basic games, but, IMO, speed is the most important in games like XXR and Metroid II (although music helps in the former), and once you give up speed, it becomes tedious rather than fun.  IMHO.

The USA school system is more like "Here, homework!  We don't care if school already takes up 50% of your life, we want 75%!"  It gets a little heavy on my back sometimes, lugging those books around...

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 03:44:00 pm »
Well I'll just ask to get all my files removed from if it's going this way then. I can't believe I spend 6 years and half on games that are too slow to be fun...

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 04:04:00 pm »
DJ Omnimaga, he wasn't saying your games were slow, just that he disliked slow games (not yours).


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« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2007, 04:26:00 am »
I'd get a little pissed too, if people keep hinting that some 50+ hours of work is a waste of time and utterly worthless.

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« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2007, 04:50:00 am »
i agree, now image that instead of 50 hours he put in 900+ like he did in ROL3. then image that instaed of people hinting at it, they outright say it sucks all the time. after all that. you should be able to see why he'd be a little on edge and unappreciative of even small comments like that.
maybe hes sensitive but more likely is that hes on edge.


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« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2007, 06:39:00 am »
I agree with dinhotheone, Kevin's been around for a long time and has had to deal with a lot.  He's probably spent a lot more time working on projects than a lot of us.  This community is like his life, and very much the life of many of us.  To disrespect one's life's work can really end up with nasty results.

I really don't like these flame wars.  I've seen too many of them, and I'm almost as sick and tired of them as Kevin.  Could we just please get along?
I don't think neither of you means any disrespect to the other.  Neither of your should be leaving the community unless you guys are seriously no longer interested in ticalcs.  Harrierfalcon, it's generally a good idea to post progress on all forums you are a member of, like tifreak8x does.  Kevin, I know that it's your decision to reinstate HF as staff, but I think you can be a bit forgiving this time.

Just my opinion.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2007, 07:31:00 am »
Thanks for you support guys. I was supposed to reinstate him yesterday but some other incident halted the process. I still need to know if it's allright. He would be flagged as inactive staff (with the mention hiatus like spelli alex and some others) in the About section.

Sorry for the misunderstanding about my games


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« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2007, 05:12:00 pm »
It's alright, I'm just glad you didn't get puffed up and hold the ban.  

Thank you! :)smile.gif

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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2007, 06:54:00 pm »
Usually I lift up bans if things can be set up in another way

edit: news updated since you got reinstated and art of camelot hired

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« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2007, 03:53:00 am »
hiatus ftw! :Dbiggrin.gif

Good to see a new staff member, and good to see you reinstated, harrierfalcon!
Omnimaga Admin


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« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2007, 01:25:00 pm »
yes agreed.  Welcome art_of_camelot to staff!


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« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2007, 11:18:00 am »
well i guess i could chip in a little=P i know lots of coding internet wise, and ti-basic. i droped the tasm research till the end of the semester.