Author Topic: wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out  (Read 4882 times)

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« on: October 09, 2006, 02:17:00 pm »
Well, some of you may have noticed my decreased activity of late,

anyway, I'm rapidly running out of free time. I'm taking a college class, working on my Eagle project, working starting a global challenge team, cramming 2 years of calculus into 1, being more social irl than ever, working on several large programming projects, and still trying to keep my grades up enough to get into a college like MIT or Olin. In short I no longer have the time to be an active member of the TI Community. This saddens me greatly, because you guys have been a huge part of my life of the last year and a half. Some of you I knew better than others, but I counted (almost) all of you as friends and I hope to stay in touch via IM with some of you, and Im sure Ill meet some of you at some point, since Ill be going off to college in 2 years.

I promise Ill get around to finish Strategic Conquest before I disappear completely.

Anyway, personal thank you's/goodbyes etc follow in no particular order, if I forget anyone, please dont be offended, just say something and I'll edit you in.
If I have any arguments left unsettled, I forgive you, please do the same for me.

xlibman: thank you for being there whenever I felt depressed, and for inspiring me to push Basic to its limits.

Kerm: thank you for being a friend, helping out whenever I needed help with something, and again for inspiring me to push Basic to its limits

Weregoose and Darkerline: for teaching me so much about programming, math, and for being the good people you are.

AlienCC: thank you for being a friend, I always enjoyed our late night philosophical discussions, jokes, and camaraderie. You're a great guy, keep it up.

Swivelgames: thanks for being me internet-brother. I could always count on you for support, friendship, and having a good time.

Arcane Wizard: we rarely agreed on anything, but I really enjoyed our debates.

Digitan, Jbirk, and the rest of UTI: thanks for keeping the community on its feet, UTI was like a second home to me.

To all of Cemetech: you guys are great, Ill still hang around on skype on occasion, and visit you guys on blockland.

Raster: for being the first one to support SFGP.

To the guys at Revsoft: thanks for encouraging my first forays in Asm.

Omnimaga: probably the friendliest and most supportive online community Ive ever been a part of, keep it up, and keep churning out those games.

To everyone else: for teaching me, learning from me, supporting me, and generally being great people.

Offline bfr

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 04:07:00 pm »
What, you didn't mention me?!?!?!?!  :flame:tresfache.gif

jk  :Dbiggrin.gif

It's good that you're taking care of your real life :)smile.gif.  

I know that I'll miss you, and probably so will many other people, particularly the ones you mentioned.


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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 04:15:00 pm »
It's sad to see you go elfprince. You contributed so much to the TI community.

Hopefully I'll see you at MIT in 4 years, eh?

Good luck with your life, and if it fits your scheldule, come stop by once in a while.

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2006, 08:21:00 pm »
I've always been of the opinion that too much rl suckz. ^-__________-^

Anyways, have fun. Kinda. Stop by on IRC anytime. :)smile.gif

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2006, 02:11:00 am »
Ok, I just became active and now everyone is leaving?! Now, that's a real ego booster

Nah, Joking...

Sad to see you go though.
Omnimaga Admin


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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2006, 04:44:00 am »
QuoteBegin-bfr+9 Oct, 2006, 22:07-->
QUOTE (bfr @ 9 Oct, 2006, 22:07)
What, you didn't mention me?!?!?!?!  :flame:tresfache.gif

jk  :Dbiggrin.gif

It's good that you're taking care of your real life :)smile.gif.  

I know that I'll miss you, and probably so will many other people, particularly the ones you mentioned.  

 you were always supportive, and were one of the few "active" members at SFGP over the last few months, I appreciate all the suggestions you've made, and the support you've given.

@Spellshaper: too right you are.

@netham: I too have seen my share of departures from the community, including some people leaving multiple times ;)wink.gif

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2006, 06:32:00 am »
So, are you going to leave multiple times?
Omnimaga Admin

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2006, 08:20:00 am »
I hope you come back and say hi ocasionally, whether on forum's or on the IRC.  I'll miss you.

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 09:43:00 am »
I'm sorry to see you go elfprince13, but at one point, everyone need to move on and in lot of people case, interest changes as well, I understand it must be very hard for you though because you have been into calcs stuff and super active in the community until this post, it's hard to not be able to do it anymore. Anyway I wish you best of luck in your future projects, and focus on real life, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and if you ever have some time feel free to come to say hi ;)wink.gif

Thanks for all your support and contribution btw, you have helped me a lot to get through hard situations and all, and activity wise i think you were one of the most active TI community members. There is very few people who posted almost 5-10 times per day on practically every big TI forums and be able to release so much cool stuff in the meantime. In fact, I got surprised by this post because I didnt even noticed any big inactivity, you were still active til the end. Congrats for all your work!

Goodbye, I hope to see you again someday! Hopefully you may return, we never know

[off-topic]this should be in news[/off-topic]


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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2006, 11:11:00 am »
this saddens me greatly :'(

i hope to see you again in the future though, perhaps in college.

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2006, 11:12:00 am »
yeah hard to see you go, but I won't go too much into what I already said on Cemetech.

Offline Speler

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wrapping up, cutting loose, setting out
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2006, 02:20:00 pm »
You know what elfprince, all I could think about this afternoon is that you were leaving.  I'm really going to miss you and I really do hope you will visit once in a while and don't completely cut us out of your life.