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Messages - ajanata

Pages: [1]
News / Re: DDoS attack leads to 16 hours of Omnimaga downtime
« on: April 16, 2012, 01:28:40 pm »
If 600 kbps is enough to knock his server offline, he has it configured wrongly. Also, a DDoS would be a LOT more than 600 kbps. I can manage 2mbps on my home connection. A DDoS by definition has multiple connections involved. It would be a lot higher.

News / Re: DDoS attack leads to 16 hours of Omnimaga downtime
« on: April 16, 2012, 11:31:17 am »
The data above is Netham45's traffic during the DDoS attack.

The alleged attack. It is quite clear that there wasn't. This means that whatever problems he's having is local to his server configuration itself, and there is nothing we can do about it.

News / Re: DDoS attack leads to 16 hours of Omnimaga downtime
« on: April 15, 2012, 02:00:57 am »
The issue appears to be on my hosts side (My VPS just randomly loses internet, the bandwidth graphs drop immediately to 0, yet the VPS appears to be running completely normally if I connect through the console login, asides from the lack of network connectivity). I've contacted him about the issue 3 times now and received nothing meaningful in response whatsoever (which for how much I'm paying for the VPS is completely pathetic.)

Also, that is totally purple, not blue.

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