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Messages - mck_music

Pages: [1]
Music Showcase / Music by Michael Cameron Kilderry
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:30:22 am »

Recently discovered this site after receiving an e-mail notifying me that TIMGUL had shut down. I posted there about once to showcase my first album, Rhythmia, which was created using Music 2000. I now use other programs to make music (mostly Acid) and have released a second album, named Hypnagogia, and am currently working on a third.

Since I have a lot of tracks, I'll just post the main links here: - All tracks from both my albums are located here - Same here, everything from both albums - Videos for what I consider to be my better works - Some cover art and stuff

I also have a twitter although I don't use it that often. It'd be nice to get some feedback on what everyone thinks of my works. Most of what I've received so far has been positive and it's good to find a forum with like minded artists. I hope you'll enjoy what I've done so far!

- Michael

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