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Gaming Discussion / Re: Some of the Old School Best Arcade Games!
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:56:40 am »
thanks for the welcome, sorry for the double post, its a topic i am somewhat passionate about (is it wrong for a 40 year old college student to still love video games?)
back in the arcade days I also used to love Joust, but having gone back and played it more recently on a console I know longer have any idea why. there was another arcade game I cant remember the name of, I want to say Robotron followed by a future was in the grafics style of astroids or battlezone but it was you clearing mazes full of robots with a gun (think pac man but with guns instead of chasing and eating)...anyway loved that one back in the day too.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Some of the Old School Best Arcade Games!
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:40:07 am »
ok no double posting, got it....sorry guys :hyper:

i had not read the rules, my fault, I have read them now

Gaming Discussion / Re: Some of the Best Arcade Games!
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:17:38 am »
old school arcade list:
1~ Astroids
2~ Battlezone
3~ Golden Axe
4~ Galaga
5~ Streetfighter
 if your including consoles and pc games then:
2~Guild Wars
3~Gran Torismo 5
4~UFC Undisputed 2010
5~ C&C Generals Zero Hour

Gaming Discussion / Re: Some of the Best Arcade Games!
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:04:18 am »
are we talking oldschool stand up arcade style games or are we including modern day console games ? Happy to participate, but my lists are very different depending on the reply  :w00t:

TI-BASIC / Re: TI - Npsire, CAS; many programming questions
« on: October 11, 2011, 10:24:34 am »
hello guys, I am also new to the forum and am a complete rookie with the TI Nspire CX CAS. I have had it 48 hours, primary purpose is college math but I will eventually be using it for science as well. I have some very basic questions that I was hoping to get answered but as time goes on I'm sure they will develope into more complicated questions too.
 me trying to comunicate with it right now looks like this  :banghead:

the questions:
1 is the TI CAS for dummies a worthwhile pick up for a complete beginer?
2 while multiplying polynominals it doesn't correctly solve the equation. Is there a settings menu to tell it to do so or another way of inputting the problem to get the right answer?
3 along the same lines as #2 but on some equations it just refrazes the question instead of solving it (im using it in scratchpad mode if that matters)

a few examples to better explain it...sorry if you didnt need this part, just wanting to be clear.

if you input (x+1)^2
it will refraze as (x+1)*(x+1)
if you input the refraze the answer does not include x^2
I know how to do the math as 3 seperate problems to get the answer but is there a way to tell the CAS to solve it in 1 step ?
Similarly if you were to input -5(x+1)
it will refraze as 5(-x-1)
i used simple numbers where the math is easy to do in your head to make the explanation easier but is there a way to tell it to solve the equation ?
thanks in advance for any help provided

Introduce Yourself! / Hello
« on: October 11, 2011, 10:04:17 am »
So I stumbled upon your corner of the web looking for help with my TI Nspire CX CAS....... :banghead: not much to say at this point but I didn't want to be just a lurker so I signed up. in a nut shell I am equal parts of the following: >B) :banghead: :angel: ._. :devil: :evillaugh: :w00t:and I just liked this one but couldnt work it in otherwise  *.*

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