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Messages - cnwinger

Pages: [1]
One more thing that is escaping me...isn't there a way to auto-display the x and y intercepts on a straight line?

I see I can get it to display the X intercept manually using the "zero" action.  I don't know how to get the Y intercept.

now I see.  Thanks for your help!

Oh, I assumed the nsprie could handle that.  Thanks for the clarification.

So that is simple enough to get it down to that point (solve for Y)..but what are the steps to then enter that into the graph?  I'm not sure which option to use.

I tried the function, but it only seems to want the X value.

I read the manual which tells me to choose:

Menu -> Graph Entry -> Equation -> Line

the problem is that 3 Line types available to choose all want to auto-fill in parts of the equation, which I cannot go back and edit. I don't see any possible way to enter the following:

2x – 3y + 12 = 0

What am I missing here?


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