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Messages - Rubicon_45

Pages: [1]
TI Calculators / Re: TI Calculators
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:07:58 pm »
How about upgrading TI73 and TI73 Explorer thin shell to TI83 Plus $15.
I do only hardware repairs , I can repair all models of TI calculators.
TI 84 Plus and TI 84 Plus silver edition have  3 different type of LCD I can repair 2 types of broken with broken LCD $35.
TI 83 Plus have 4 different type of LCD I can repair 2 types of broken LCD $25.
TI 84  Plus CE broken LCD $45.
TI Nspire CX and TI Nspire CX CAS broken LCD $45.

TI Calculators / TI Calculators
« on: June 08, 2017, 04:43:51 pm »
I do repairs and upgrades to all the models of TI Calculators

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