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Messages - KermMartian
« on: February 25, 2016, 11:51:53 pm »
As Eeems said, this is not intended to supplant WikiTI at all, merely supplement technical documentation with tutorials and a command/opcode reference. If someone were to start writing hardware documentation into the Learn wiki, that would be welcome, but most likely redundant next to WikiTI. Thanks for the kind words, guys.
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:38:41 pm »
In the theme of education with Texas Instruments' T^3 2016 conference starting tomorrow, this has been the week for new educational tools at Cemetech. Two days ago, we announced C programming support in SourceCoder 3, which allows you to write C programs for your TI-84 Plus CE in your browser. Now, we're proud to present Learn @ Cemetech, documentation to help you use your calculator and program in TI-BASIC, z80 Assembly, ez80 Assembly, and C. We will be migrating other information like our Calculator Documentation pages to the new Learn @ Cemetech wiki. You can also expect the following information: - With help and permission from z80 Heaven administrator The Cow, we're proud to present a curated, updated version of z80 Heaven's documentation about z80 assembly.
- Cemetechian and ez80 programmer Hactar has given us his blessing to host information from ez80 Heaven as he develops this resource for ez80 assembly programmers.
- With help and permission from TI-BASIC Developer administrator jonbush, we're very proud to offer an updated subset of TI-BASIC Developer's TI-BASIC command reference and tutorials. We'll be continuing to update it with TI-84 Plus CE-specific information, crossreferences to other TI-BASIC documentation, and thus are calling it Cemetech's (Adapted) TI-BASIC Developer Reference. We hope you'll help us expand it as well!
- We anticipate that we'll be able to include some TI-84 Plus CE C programming documentation, with the help and assistance of our knowledgeable members.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the administrators around the community who have worked with us to make this new resource possible. Equally or perhaps more importantly, we need you to work with us to bring the community the best possible documentation. If you find any mistakes, anything you think should be added, or even new areas of information that the Learn @ Cemetech wiki should be covering, don't hesitate: jump right in and start editing. If you encounter any difficulties, just post and we'll try to figure out what went wrong. Graphing Calculator and Programming Help Learn @ Cemetech graphing calculator reference
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:02:11 pm »
It's been over two years since I first posted news entitled " SourceCoder 3 Nears Completion", but today, I'm proud to say that SourceCoder 3 actually is nearing completion. Unless you looked closely at the version number at the bottom-right of SourceCoder 3's main menu, I bet you might not have realized that SourceCoder 3 was technically still in beta, but I'm happy to say that in preparation for T^3 2016 and as various planned features come together, it has reached Release Candidate status. The biggest brand-new feature is in-browser compiling of ez80 C programs for the TI-84 Plus CE, but myriad other tweaks, adjustments, fixes, and updates have been added to SourceCoder 3 in the past two years. If you've hung around Cemetech long enough, you probably know what SourceCoder 3, but if not, it's a universal in-browser IDE for graphing calculator programmers. It can help you write BASIC, Assembly, and C programs for TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators, edit and export lists, numbers, matrices, pictures, AppVars, and more, and even edit Casio fx-9860 and Prizm programs and images. With the integrated jsTIfied emulator, you can test programs right in your browser, take screenshots, and never need to use an offline calculator or offline emulators. In fact, SourceCoder and jsTIfied even work on smartphone and tablets (including the iPad), meaning that students in schools that issue Chromebooks or iPads can still use it. I'll save the exhaustive list of features for the inevitable SourceCoder 3.0 announcement; for now, here are the highlights of what has been added to SourceCoder in the past two years: - TI-84 Plus CE C Support: Thanks to help from Cemetech administrators Tari and elfprince13, as well as excellent tools and libraries developed by the inimitable Cemetech moderator MateoConLechuga, you can now write, compile, and export C programs for the TI-84 Plus C right in your browser. With TI-84 Plus CE support planned for jsTIfied, you'll even be able to test C programs in an in-browser TI-84 Plus CE.
- Overhauled Interface: Awkward dropdown menus and huge icon-filled buttons are a thing of the past. SourceCoder 3's editor now shows all of the files in a project as tabs, and contains a sleeker interface above the editor. Layout is now almost purely done in CSS (rather than the older Javascript layout engine), and is designed to flow better on devices with smaller screens.
- Indentation: TI-BASIC and C programs are automatically indented as you type to make it clearer where your loops, conditionals, and functions start and end. In addition, indentation is automatically added to programs that you upload. As with many other features, you can turn indentation on and off from the Settings tab of the main menu, and you can choose how many tabs or spaces to use to indent your code.
- z80 ASM and ez80 ASM Support: Thanks in great part to Tari's emscriptening of SPASM-ng, you can write, assemble, and test z80 and ez80 ASM programs directly in SourceCoder 3. Projects can also contain multiple assembly programs and includes that are assembled together.
- Casio fx-9860 and Prizm Images: SourceCoder 3 can import and export Casio calculator images, which required reverse-engineering and documenting the format.
Have you found SourceCoder 3 useful? Let me know! Have you encountered bugs while using it lately? I definitely need to know that too. Finally, although I'm anticipating adding only one additional planned feature for SourceCoder 3.0, feature requests are always welcome. Launch Tool SourceCoder 3 Online TI-BASIC, ASM, and C Editor and IDE
« on: January 26, 2016, 05:04:09 pm »
1. The initial computation takes about twenty or more seconds, depending on the complexity of the equation(s) being graphed. Once you are rotating the graph, it can redraw each frame in a second or two. 2. The algorithms are entirely my own, based on code I developed (again, from scratch) for Graph3DP ( ). Thank you for the kind words! Assuming you're familiar with the concept of am Easter Egg, I was slyly saying there are no Easter Eggs in the program.
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:15:09 pm »
After nearly two years of work, a closed beta, and an open beta, I'm proud to present Graph3DC for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. In the time this project has gestated, the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition has gone from the leading member of the TI-84 Plus family to a barely-remembered third cousin of the sleek new TI-84 Plus CE, but completionist that I am, I refused to let the work I put into Graph3DC go to waste. Therefore, I present today a 3D graphing App for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, capable of graphing up to five simultaneous equations in the form Z=f(X,Y). It integrates with the TI-OS, like TI's Transformation Graphing and Inequality Graphing Apps, and thus can offer 3D graphing within the TI-OS graphing tools that students and teachers already know how to use (while leaving 2D graphing instantly available to avoid any confusion). As stated in the recent Open Beta 2 news article about Graph3DC, among its most distinguish features are: - Rendering and rotation of 3D graphs on up to a 17x17-point grid at normal resolution, or 27x27-point grid at high resolution.
- Simultaneous graphing of up to 5 3D equations at normal resolution, or 2 3D equations at high resolution.
- Tracing over graphs to examine the (X, Y, Z) coordinates of points.
- User-configurable grid colors, background colors, bounds and axis display, axis labels, and more.
- User-settable window and zoom.
- TI-OS integration with the Y=, Window, Zoom, Trace, and Graph tools.
- Full compatibility with horizontal splitscreen mode.
As I once stated in the Graph3DC Closed Beta 1 news article, and have repeated ever since, one of my primary motivations behind creating (and finishing) Graph3DC was "to show TI that by releasing the keys necessary for us to write free Apps for their TI-84+CE, they'll be only strengthening that platform's appeal to students, teachers, and programmers." I wanted TI to know that the community can not only create powerful, fast games and useful programming tools for students, but can also create educational applications that are genuinely helpful in the classroom. For better or for worse, that appears to no longer be feasible, but I can say with some confidence that if I have the time, I will port Graph3DC to the TI-84 Plus CE as a non-App program runnable using Doors CE 9. In fact, had I chosen to make Graph3DC a non-App program from the beginning, I think the program would have been released months, if not years, earlier. Why? The vast majority of the time I spent creating Graph3DC was not invested in the 3D graphing, computation, and rendering code, but in building hook after hook to integrate with the OS, and more importantly, to work around OS bugs. Examining how TI's own Transform and Inequality Graphing Apps work reveals an intricate set of hooks to make the Y= menu work properly when augmented by an App's extra features and much more. Graph3DC drew heavily on my experience creating Doors CSE for the TI-84 Plus CSE, requiring me to make cursor hooks to make the flashing Plot1 to Plot 3 cursor in the Y= menu work properly, a key hook to skip to a correct Z= equation in the Z= menu when the OS's own features didn't quite work properly, myriad redisplay hooks to work around quirks in the OS's implementation of horizontal split-screen mode, and so many more. Although I'll have to implement my own input routines for a theoretical Graph3DE for the TI-84 Plus CE, I suspect that the development time will be significantly decreased with the burden of interacting with the TI-OS removed. Without further ado, please enjoy Graph3DC at the download link below. If you'd like to explore some fun 3D equations right out of the box, take a look at the included readme PDF, and also refer to the equations and screenshots posted by tireless beta-tester PT_. In fact, I'd like to thank everyone in the community who helped test Graph3DC and who encouraged me to press onwards even when the project felt insurmountable. If you're a teacher, I would especially be interested in hearing from you, but I hope anyone will feel free to share comments, questions, and suggestions for future versions. Claims of an easter egg embedded in the App are completely unfounded. Download Graph3DC 1.0 3D grapher for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
« on: January 16, 2016, 01:59:14 pm »
Challenge #5, Hint #2 time: the object described is an Etch-a-Sketch, which lets you generate an image by using knobs to move a cursor.
« on: January 15, 2016, 05:25:57 pm »
Challenge #5, Hint #1 time! Knobs and a red rectangle.
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:56:09 pm »
The fifth and final challenge of Cemetech Contest #15 is here, which means you have just over one week to submit all five solutions for the contest. Like Challenge 4, this challenge is related to images, so we suggest you think long and hard about possible ways to interpret the number (numbers?) below. When you figure out the cipher and create your solution program, make sure that as in the first three challenges, it takes a string as input via Ans or stdin. It's hopefully enough of a clue to tell you that the output for this challenge should be an image either on the graphscreen, in a picture variable, or for computer programs, as a PNG or GIF image. As with the previous two challenges, we may publish a clue on Friday afternoon at 5pm ET, but we encourage you to try to solve it before Friday to earn maximum points, and we will decide whether to post a clue based on how many entrants have figured out the cipher. Good luck! Challenge 5: 1111144444444433333333333211112223321122223333333444444444322222222233444 3222334444444443333333321111122233321112222333333333333334111144444444333 3333333333321111112223332111222233333333333333341111114444444433333333322 2222222344443332222344444444444441111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1444444444444444444444434333333333332322222222222222222222211111111111444 4433333333344141211412114121144434323343233432334441412114121141211444343 2334323343233344414121141211412114Note: line breaks are for clarity, NOT part of the clue
« on: January 12, 2016, 10:28:23 am »
*bump* hint time #2: Not every member of a group has equal value, and numbers that come around, wrap around.
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:12:45 pm »
Good luck, pimath!
Hint time: The encoding scheme used in this challenge can encode no more than 63 characters.
« on: January 05, 2016, 11:24:55 am »
I'm going for a new Omnimaga record of 5 replies to myself, apparently.  I hope Omnimaga members are aware of this contest! The second-to-last challenge is here, and I think it's one that you guys will have fun with. Instead of providing a ciphertext for Challenge 4, we are providing a 95x63-pixel monochrome image (of an Enigma machine!) in three formats: .8xi, .8ci, and .png. Solutions must take at least one of those formats and produce a plaintext (not image) output from the image. Programmers working on the color calculators can assume that any .8ci passed to the program will also only have black and white pixels in the top-left 95x63 pixels of the image, and those writing computer programs should only look at the top 95x63 pixels of any image passed to the program. As with the previous challenge, we will publish a clue on Friday afternoon at 5pm ET, but we encourage you to try to solve it before Friday to earn maximum points. Challenge 4: Download: Contest #15, Challenge 4 input image (PNG) Contest #15, Challenge 4 input image (8xi) Contest #15, Challenge 4 input image (8ci)
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:36:12 pm »
Noting how much people are struggling with Challenge 3 and with jonbush's agreement, we have decided to release one additional hint at this time: Challenges 1 to 3 have all used ciphers that can be found in the " Classical Cryptography" template on Wikipedia. A special congratulations to the >=2 contestants who solved the challenge before this hint!
« on: January 01, 2016, 05:11:40 pm »
*bump* Contest #15 hint time: You wouldn't put calculators on your salad
« on: December 30, 2015, 11:44:39 am »
For the past two Tuesdays, we have announced increasingly difficult challenges as part of Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing. This five-part contest tasks programmers with solving cryptography puzzles, then creating programs that can decode messages in the cipher used for each challenge. We received an overwhelming number of entries written in many different calculator and computer languages for Challenges 1 and 2, although the field has started to thin. Since another Tuesday is upon us, Challenge 3 of Cemetech Contest #15 is here! If you haven't started entering the contest yet or if you haven't completed one of the existing challenges, you still have time, and the only thing you'll lose is the (up to) 5 bonus points you get by submitting your solutions quickly. Challenge 3 is the last pure-text cipher, and if you're still stuck with it on Friday, we'll be publishing an extra hint on Friday afternoon at 5pm, Eastern Time. Challenge 3: OEEJCYKL WK AU LTMY L WXOJWNGood luck! To repeat the incentive, besides prestige and glory: a TI-Nspire CX and a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition await the top two contestants.
« on: December 26, 2015, 09:52:00 am »
If you haven't figured out Challenge 2 yet, here's a hint:
%26 I'm Kerm Martian and I approve of this message.  Good luck, everyone. I notice we haven't quite gotten as many entries as for the first challenge, so I hope everyone who is stuck on this one (or forgot to enter so far this week) will redouble their efforts.