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Messages - jan92

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Re: Ti-84 plus operating systems
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:28:38 am »
Alternatively, BrandonW also created a modified 2.43 .8xu to be accepted by 1.03, which means you don't have to go through the risks of boot-code modding.
Where can I download it?, Because I'm looking for

General Calculator Help / How do I run this unsigned patch on my TI-84?
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:05:08 am »

How do I run this unsigned patch on my TI-84?
I am still unfamiliar with the ti-84 so who wants a step by step action plan to give

News / Re: Signed Operating Systems - Who needs them?
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:48:39 am »
How do I run this patch on my TI-84?
 I am still unfamiliar with the ti-84 so who wants a step by step action plan to give

Pages: [1]