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Topics - TheGag96

Pages: [1]
Axe / How to be an utter n00b, by me
« on: October 26, 2010, 08:55:38 pm »
Alright, I just started programming in Axe today on my brand new TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. :D

I have two things I really need to ask about:

1. When I try to make programs, how do I type in things like Str1 and Pic1? They're not in catalog, and I can't really print lowercase letters... What do I do?
2. When I run the programs I can make after I compile them, I run them through the asm(prgmTEST), and it just says "Done." Even if I tell it to display an answer or whatever, it doesn't say anything at all. What do I do? Wait, scratch this, I ran it through MirageOS and it just ran it for a split second. How do I make it wait?


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