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Topics - adamac16

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Choice Survival Beta v1
« on: June 18, 2011, 02:31:17 am »
Choice Survival Beta v1 available (post any bugs or mistakes here):

Wordwrap Program:

Choice Survival:

Miscellaneous / My Plans
« on: May 23, 2011, 06:13:35 pm »
My plans for the rest of my school year to the start of the next are to (over the summer) finish my Choice Endurance (there will be no 4th one), learn how to make an RPG so i can start on David's Epic Journey, and then whatever comes up. (just to let y'all know) If you have questions or comments, feel free to post them.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Adventure Game Studio Games
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:35:27 am »
Here's where I'll post about my Adventure Game Studio projects. Right now, I'm working on Choice (my first game on calc (recreate with visuals)) now, then Choice 2, 3, etc. Then I'll work on the Killer Series. Then whatever else I plan to do in the future.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Kodu Game Lab Games
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:34:35 am »
I shall be posting about my Kodu Game Lab games here. Right now im making a little game (and i mean little) called "Kodu & The Four Apples"

Right now, it's still in the terrain making stage (havent done anything programming wise yet).

To see what i've done so far... (you have to have Kodu Game Lab to see)....

TI-BASIC / Choice Endurance Help
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:12:29 pm »
Im working on a game called Choice Endurance (CE for short), and im trying to add 500 health after every battle. I had something, but it only reset the 2nd battles health to 500 instead of 538 or something. Heres the code.....

First battle:
Code: [Select]
:DelVar CDelVar DWhile A>0 and B>0
:Text(32,1,"HIT WHERE?")
:Text(40,1,"LOW=1 MID=2 HI=3")
:DelVar Z:Repeat Z=92 or Z=93 or Z=94
:If Z=92 and D=1
:If Z=92 and D=2
:Text(48,1,"BRIGGS HITS")
:If Z=92 and D=3
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=1
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=2
:If Z=93 and D=3
:Text(48,1,"BRIGGS HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=1
:Text(48,1,"BRIGGS HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=2
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=3
:If A≤0 and B≥0
:AxesOn:Goto A
:If B≤0 and A≥0

Second Battle:
Code: [Select]
:DelVar CDelVar DWhile A>0 and B>0
:Text(32,1,"HIT WHERE?")
:Text(40,1,"LOW=1 MID=2 HI=3")
:DelVar Z:Repeat Z=92 or Z=93 or Z=94
:If Z=92 and D=1
:If Z=92 and D=2
:Text(48,1,"TANK HITS")
:If Z=92 and D=3
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=1
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=2
:If Z=93 and D=3
:Text(48,1,"TANK HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=1
:Text(48,1,"TANK HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=2
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=3
:If A≤0 and B≥0
:AxesOn:Goto A
:If B≤0 and A≥0
:Goto θθ
:Lbl H
:DelVar CDelVar DWhile A>0 and B>0
:Text(32,1,"HIT WHERE?")
:Text(40,1,"LOW=1 MID=2 HI=3")
:DelVar Z:Repeat Z=92 or Z=93 or Z=94
:If Z=92 and D=1
:If Z=92 and D=2
:Text(48,1,"SPIDER HITS")
:If Z=92 and D=3
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=1
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=93 and D=2
:If Z=93 and D=3
:Text(48,1,"SPIDER HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=1
:Text(48,1,"SPIDER HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=2
:Text(48,1,Str2+" HITS")
:If Z=94 and D=3
:If A≤0 and B≥0
:AxesOn:Goto A
:If B≤0 and A≥0

Other / PSP Help
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:37:50 pm »
I just got my PSP back, but it didnt get fixed.

So my question to you is:(look at the picture first)
Is it just the LCD screen needing replacement, or something else?

TI Z80 / Killer
« on: December 06, 2010, 05:59:38 pm »
Attached is Killer, my recent finished game. Post any bugs, mistakes, or anything else thats wrong with it.

TI Z80 / David's Epic Journey
« on: December 06, 2010, 05:38:35 pm »
Im thinking about making a game, kinda like Kyle's Quest and Final Fantasy. Ive gotten as far as naming it ------------'s Journey. Any suggestions?

Miscellaneous / Calculator or Computer language help
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:29:32 pm »
What should i learn next, besides what i do already?

ASM / ASM practice (Help)
« on: November 11, 2010, 05:43:49 am »
Im not sure this goes here, correct me if i chose the wrong place.

But I have finished Hot_Dog's tutorials and i think i am ready for Learn TI-83+ ASM in 28 days. But before i do that, i want to make a simple practice program. The thing is, I don't know where to start. Or how to begin.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Choice from AGS
« on: November 06, 2010, 08:22:10 pm »
I am currently working remaking the Choice games on Adventure Game Studio and i need some people who know how to use paint really well.

TI Z80 / Choice for TI-83+/84+
« on: November 05, 2010, 08:06:15 pm »
Im currently working on a project from last year, Choice 7. I started this project last year, but never finished it. (school ended and had to give the calculator back.) So now im continuing it now. Any questions? Ill see if i can find Choice 1-6 on my computer and post them.

Introduce Yourself! / Hey
« on: November 05, 2010, 07:10:55 pm »
Hi. My name is Adam Counts. First time Omnimaga user. Just signed up. Some of you know me from Cemetech. (very few of you). I program TI-BASIC games, learning AXE, and would like to learn about any other programming languages. Any questions? Feel free to ask them.

Pages: [1]