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Topics - nyanfly

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / [Axe] FallDown!
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:43:01 pm »
A few days ago, I was going through my calculator, and I happened on one of my old games. It's a clone of Fall Down, with a few twists. First, the ball is bouncy, and the second -- well, figure out that one for yourself.

It's written in Axe, and it's pretty unoptimized, so it's very fat. If you'd like, you can try it out. The program is mostly finished (I just need a better title screen :P).

[squares] is a port of TSDND (The Squares Do Not Die) for Lua. It's currently for DS only but will (hopefully) be ported to PC/Wii.
Although this is a work-in-progress, I probably will not be adding very much more to it, apart from a few finishing touches (menus, saving, etc.) and possibly a shop (and maybe multiplayer for the Wii version).

Anyway, please download and test! I'm trying to figure out how compatibility is with different DSes/flash carts.

Controls for DS version:
D-Pad: Move
Touchpad: Shoot
L: Bomb

NOTE: Animations do not work in DeSmuME, but *should* work in NO$GBA. I think.

Introduce Yourself! / A wild nyanfly appeared!
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:49:59 pm »
Hi there! I'm nyanfly, and I'm here cuz my good friend cyano told me about this forum. Anyway, I'm (currently) mostly a computer programmer, but I've also programmed on my trusty TI-84 (some TI-BASIC, Axe, a little asm) :D. Hopefully, I can get an nspire this year so I can show off my uber-l33t C skillz! (And also so I can play TLoZ during math class :P)

P.S I lost the game  :hyper:

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