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Topics - SomeoneWhoIsntMe

Pages: [1]
ASM / Linux - assembler for TI-83+
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:02:44 am »
Hi everyone,

I am about to make a second attempt on learning assembly language for my ti-81+ calculator.
But i dont want to boot up windows every time i do asm programming, basically because it sucks  :banghead:

I got tilem emulator working and now i am in search for a good assembler. On windows I used Latenite IDE with the built-in brass, but i think, this one wont work under Linux. I got spasm compiling using

Code: [Select]
spasm name.asm name.8xp
and also tried

Code: [Select]
spasm name.asm name.8xp -DTI83P
as suggested here:

Both files aren't recognized by tilem. the emulator is just stating "Unknown or invalid file format, aborting". It works when using a 8xp-file compiled with brass in windows though.

Can anyone help me with this? I don't have to use spasm, any other assembler with a similar syntax will be just fine, but i dont really want to use wine, a native linux solution would be far superior.

Thanks in advance! (and please excuse my poor English)

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