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Topics - bubbleboy123

Pages: [1]
Ndless / I need help with gbc4nspire!
« on: May 17, 2013, 10:17:48 pm »
I recently got my Ti nspire cx and I need help with gbc4nspire and other emulators (nespire, and gbspnspire)
I can get the emulators fine, I have ndless. The emulators also recognize the roms perfectly, but every time I try to open a rom it goes directly back to the file screen (this is the same for all the emulators so Im begining to think thats its my fault, not theirs) I would appreciate any help offered to me.
Thanks!  ;D

(fwi: the only game I can get to work is ndoom, and I have already tried the emulators without is, so I know that its not the problem)

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