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Topics - Awesomeness

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Calculator C / Mac C Programming?
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:10:16 pm »
I have working ndless on my calculator.  How do I program with C in it?  I have basic experience in C; I just need a basic tutorial on how to put a "Hello world" program over.

Introduce Yourself! / Yhullothar!
« on: September 16, 2011, 08:46:44 pm »
Hey!  I posted a first post a few days ago, so I might as well introduce myself.

My name is Stuart.  I'm in 10th grade.  I started programming in late 3rd grade in Python.  Since then, I've learned Java, PHP, JavaScript, Lua, Arduino, a little bit of C, and a few non-programming language codelike things such as HTML and MySQL.  I like Linux and open source/free software! ;D
I also like the BitTorrent protocol for...  Saving the bandwidth of developers who want to distribute their free software.  Yeah, that's it. XD

I started programming on calculators when I first saw a graphing calculator, a few years ago, borrowing one from a teacher.  It was a Casio FX-9750G Plus.  The first thing I noticed on the calculator (Before I figured out how to do normal math XD) was "PRGRM".  I immediately started learning this new weird programming language whose name I did not know (Looking back, it's Casio BASIC right?) completely through trial and error.  I loved the idea of running my own little programs outside of a computer. (This set the foundation for my interest in Arduino later.)  A year later when my older brother got a TI-84 Plus, the second day he had it I hid it so that he wouldn't be able to take it to school, then brought it to school myself and programmed on it all day ;D this calculator was so much easier to program!  Anyways, eventually, (e.g like 2 years have passed lol) now I obtained my own Ti-Nspire CAS and I was confused by its layout.  Programming was...  Different.  I didn't like it as much, mostly because the GUI was different.  Immediately I found ndless and saw how it allows me to overcome limitations I didn't like.  (And also allowed me to play Pokemon :D)  I installed it right away and I'll probably start learning C soon.  I hope things work out!

So that's my story!

I am allergic to peanuts irl, btw.  Don't poison me!   ;)

I've looked all over the internet and I need help.  I can't figure out how to connect to my calculator from my Mac.  The program I got off the TI website from a tutorial didn't work for nspires.  Another program I tried to use wouldn't open at all.  I've tried my darndest and I need your help.  :P

What can I do?

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