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Topics - Converge

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Introduce Yourself! / New User
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:11:03 pm »
Hi everyone

I am a first year high school math teacher in the US.  Since I was fortunate enough to have a set of NSpires and a Navigator system in my classroom, I have started coding scripts in Lua to create activites for my classes.  I am hoping to contribute to this forum, as well as learn more about coding in Lua for the NSpire.  I have a few "finished products" that I could share, but I'm not sure how or where I would do so. 

I have been coding for a long time, but only as a hobby.  In high school I did the USACO contests, and in college I worked through about 100 problems on Project Euler.  The language I am most familiar with is Python, but I have also worked with C++, Java, and Mathematica. 

So far I have been writing code in the Script editor built into the NSpire software.  I would prefer to use a fancier text editor (Notepad++) so that I can collapse blocks of code.  Is there any way that I can edit code inside a separate text editor and still be able to easily see the result in the NSpire software?  I thought about "importing" the file into a page of a .tns file, but could not find a way.

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