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Topics - rbusa

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Nspire touchpad maintenance menu problem
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:00:54 am »
Hi lads,

When trying to install nLaunch to try CAS OS on my non-CAS touchpad Nspire, I came upon a weird problem:

When in maintenance menu (doc + enter + EE + on), selecting option #2 (Delete Operating System) doesn't do anything. The only working options are:

#1 - Cancel
#3 - Delete documents (which results in reboot loop)
#4 - Delete all (which I tried to reinstall 3.1.0 + ndless + nsNandMgr + boot2 1.4.1571c but still having this weird problem) :banghead:

Currently, I'm running OS + ndless with boot2 1.4.1571c. (nsNandMgr minimal OS =

Is there some workaround to solve this frustrating situation and successfully install nLaunch?


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