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Topics - Leviset

Pages: [1]
Other Discussions / Weather
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:59:11 pm »
Does anyone know of any type of (1) Weather Software/app or (2) Set Theory software for either Vintage or Modern Programmable Calculators at all please?

Technology and Development / Ndless
« on: April 01, 2019, 06:58:26 pm »
Probably posted before but is there a beginners guide/pdf on how to install Ndless to both my TI-Nspire CX CAS and my TI-Nspire Touchpad. Also are there any good PDFs or tutorials on using Ndless as I’m a complete novice but Pure Mathematician? My CX-CAS is on OS and the Touchpad is OS

General Calculator Help / TI-59 card reader
« on: May 27, 2017, 08:31:19 pm »
Just joined your User Forum and have also been a member of the HPCC for a few years.
I have 2 TI-59s (one is locked on the P100-A printer) - both card readers won't read or write to mag tape cards
However both card readers do a lot of whirring but don't get pulled through.
The other 59 locked to the printer (lost key) - 2 different locksmiths have tried to open it but failed (I can hear a number of modules when you shake it).

Is there anyone in the club that could repair the readers please and/or unlock the PC-100A (I'm in Sheffield UK)?
Also the other 59'has a missing battery cover lost and both steel battery prongs have been broken right down to the mother. Both 59s will run on external power.
The reason I can no longer do fiddly jobs is because of Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Thanks Dennis Tuckerman

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