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Topics - ClayBread

Pages: [1]
Axe / MExp: A Monster's Expedition in Axe
« on: January 06, 2024, 07:28:50 pm »
Hi there! Recently I released MExp, a remake of A Monster's Expedition by Draknek & Friends, written with Axe. It's an open-world puzzle game where you push around logs, and use them to traverse from puzzle to puzzle!

Feel free to check it out!

Introduce Yourself! / Hello, Omnimaga Forums.
« on: January 01, 2017, 12:00:32 pm »
Hello, Omnimaga Forums.

I feel like this forum is dying slowly. But, I still feel like doing Axe Parser, so I'll try to learn it, or something.


The Axe Parser Project / Getting Started with Axe Parser
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:35:56 am »
Are there any well known tutorials for learning Axe Parser? Most of the tutorials that I have looked into are incomplete.
Or, would it just be better to try to self-teach and learn the commands through using them?


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