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Topics - LordConiupiter

Pages: [1]
Other Calculators / CediT
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:05:53 pm »

In this program you can type in hex and/or text (tokens), which will be converted on the fly to the other textbox.

TI Z80 / MySQL and XML Tokenizer: CediT
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:26:21 pm »
Like I promised I create this thread for my (de-)tokenizer. There is a download attached to this post, and a tokens xml-file is downloadable from Remove the ads at the bottom of the file first, before loading it into CediT. If you don't, the program will die! (just once, not forever though :P)

some screens:

Web Programming and Design / JSON/AJAX
« on: December 27, 2010, 07:14:38 am »
This is a thread I started because I just discovered JSON as a great way of creating webpages which need to update using new information from the server. I already have written a javascript which makes it even easier to request info from the server. An example is attached. If you don't know how to test  them, here is a program freely available for download. Copy the example files in the USBWebserver/root directory, and start usb webserver8.exe or somthing like that. You also could use XAMPP, which will perhaps do the job even better, but I just downloaded that program today, because a schoolmate of mine recommendet it, since is also has a Linux version. (wow, that's a long sentence :P )

BTW: the attachment is zipped with 7zip compression, which is done by jZip. I've done this because it's the smallest an fastest compression I ever saw. Decompression can be done using winRAR, jZip or 7zip, and even lots and lots more applications I don't know of.

Introduce Yourself! / I also want some peanuts!
« on: October 02, 2010, 03:51:46 pm »
hello world!

I've been posting around on this forum for quiet some time now, and suddenly I felt the enormous need for peanuts.

When I have just one minute of free time, you'll see me programming on anything programmable:P
I started my 'carreer' in HTML, and extended it pretty soon with JS and CSS. Beside this I was creating games using GameMaker form Mark Overmars.
when that got a little bit boring, I decided to switch to a real programming language, and i found c#. I can't remember exactly why I chose this language, but doesn't really matter IMO.
At school in pauses i programmed on my calc in BASIC, which is right now not really programming anymore, but just slow scripting, since my aquaintance with Axe.
At this moment I'm still programming in c#: tools to create Axe sourcecode to be converted using sourcecode, and then compiled with Axe. I'm also making an explorer-like program: Buccaneer
I programmed pretty recently a Heroes of Might and Magic remake for calc for the Axe contest, as you all will know I guess. Right now I'm rewriting a handy program for a clear overview of all my math formula's which could be handy on my final exam.

are there any questions? who has some peanuts for me? could you also describe how I can use my peanuts, since it are the first real peanuts I'll see in my life ^^

Axe / HELP! I don't understand the deadline time!
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:36:33 am »
I don't know what 12 AM means, since I found serveral eplanations, even that 12 AM is a time that does not even exist!

Axe / MaskConverter
« on: August 17, 2010, 02:09:39 pm »
Here is a tool to use for creating 3 lvl grayscale 16 x 16 tiles: 2 x 2 Pt-Mask sprites.
It generates hex data in ASCII format, which can be pasted into cemetech, and then exported and sent to your calc.
it reads every non-black or -white pixel as grey, and every pixel with an alpha of no 100% as transparent.
ask your questions in this thread about it when you need any help or support, or ask for new features when you have some suggestions!
It is written in c#.NET, so the .NET framework is needed, and I think it only runs on Windows machines.

when you used this for a program, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable at all when I would be added to the credit list   ;)

1. fixed a bug
2. drag image files to the form to load them or open them with an openFileDialog
3. open images with this program, changed the layout a little
4. immediate hex conversion on tileselection, help button added

The Axe Parser Project / Axiom for DSC7 contest
« on: August 13, 2010, 02:15:33 pm »
is there anybody writing or willing to write an Axiom for the DCS7 features which would be usefull for the DCS7 contest, for then also Axe programs could be submitted as entries

wouldn't this be very nice? :o

Axe / Help for grayscale
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:31:51 pm »
I get a 'BAD SYMBOL' error at 46% when I try to compile this code:
Code: [Select]
:Repeat K
what am I doing wrong this time?
Something with storing in L6 doesn't work or something.
When I jump to with prgm my code is flipping and flickering when I move the cursor.
I am using 0.3.1 at the time.

ps: sorry guys, I got it: I missed a curly bracet before the L3 and L6

Axe / help with Ans
« on: June 01, 2010, 03:59:37 pm »
I would like to use my program in basic, and use some values from the BASIC program, but the easiest way to do that is in lists.
Now that is my problem: I can't read from lists in the Ans var in my Axe program, while it allways returns 0.
Here is the code I use:
Code: [Select]
:Disp {L6}>Dec
:Disp {L6+1}>Dec
is there a way to use BASIC lists in Axe?

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