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Topics - BigBrotherNoir

Pages: [1]
Other / XBox 360 Controller for Ipod
« on: May 03, 2012, 02:41:44 pm »
I saw the SNES controller add-on for the Ipod, and was wondering if it would be possible to do the same thing with an Xbox 360 controller. With the emergence of decent gaming on the Ipod, a controller would be helpful, like in the Ipod version of COD: Zombies. Im thinking that if you could split the controller in half and attach a USB to transfer the information to the ipod and have some kind of program installed on the ipod to interpret the presses, just like on a computer, it might be possible. If anybody has any experience or ideas, they would be appreciated. ;D

Computer Projects and Ideas / Direct Your Fiery Wit Here!
« on: March 08, 2012, 02:06:08 pm »
I decided to create a program to amuse myself, and unfortunately came up dry when designing it. I wanted to make an insult program that would register whatever the user put in and generate an insult appropriate to whatever the input was. However, being a gentleman like myself, I am at a lack for much insults. So now, I am requesting any and all (school appropriate-sorta ) jokes, comments, insults, etc. to this thread. Any insults will be ironically accepted!

General Calculator Help / Programming Initiation
« on: March 08, 2012, 01:08:24 pm »
Hello! I finally decided that it would be worth my time to learn programming for calculators. I have been hoping to become a computer programmer someday, but due to major slothfulness, I am running out of time before I enter college. I have signed up for several computer related courses, but my knowledge is limited to the computer gurus out there. I thought it would be a good impression(however minor) if I could program with calculators. And so, after this windbag of an opening statement, I am requesting the following information: what language(s) to learn, hardware(I have a ti Nspire and access to computers), books, links, and so on an so forth. Any help is appreciated!

Introduce Yourself! / Hello community!
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:33:09 pm »
Well, I have been doing my best to learn programming (visual basic and java) for the last couple of years, and so I thought that this community of like-minded individuals could be a well-spring of information and assistance. I purchased an nspire a while back ago, and the ndless software was the best thing that I could have ever gotten for it, so I would like to express my thanks for Extended and Goplat and all the others who invest their own time and money into their work(sorry if I misspelled your name or lacked to include you). I am available to chat during the school day towards the end of the day, but I would like to chat with people about design and such.

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