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Topics - improponibile

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Nspire CAS+ not detected
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:42:09 am »
Hi all,
Hope you can help me solving this problem..
I bought a TI-nspire CAS+ on eBay, but it seems it can't be detected by the student software. All the stuff about maths and calculus are working on the palmare, so I really don't know what's the matter.
I recently discovered the existence of prototypes on eBay, not able to share documents with PCs. Two questions for you:
1) How can I know if mine is a prototype? (Even though I have a bad feeling about this.. >:()
2) Is there a way (hacking or something like that) that allows me to share documents using the software?

Last thing: I don't even know if all I'm asking is legal or not, even the possession of the prototype (that's supposed to not be sold, right?). Please let  this newbie know if he's asking or doing somethin stupid.

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