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Messages - turbogsr

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Well, the Prizm lacks a CAS completely. From a programming standpoint, it's completely open though. You actually can find the Nspire CX(non CAS) for a decent price if you have access to Ebay, but it may take some time looking. I got mine for $70. I'd guess the same holds true for the CAS models too, I just happened to be looking for the non CAS.

Gotcha, that's a good deal ($70)!  I guess I can keep looking/wait. I'll definitely keep that in mind.  The two units I was talking about are new though(not that it matters, as long as it's in good condition). 

I'd definitely  recommend a CX. It has much more storage space than the non CX models. The non CX models are also know for having very crappy LCDs, where with the CX, you get a nice colour display.

I've heard of the issues in earlier models, but I thought that they were addressed, for the  most part, when the touchpad models came out.

At first, I was only open to Ti Nspire's (mostly the CAS touchpad..unless you guys recommend the CX CAS due to vast superiority).  However, I'll say this...

For roughly $50, I can get one or the other... either a Casio Prizm CG10, or a CAS touchpad(non CX)... I want to use it for some heavy duty math, and custom apps/programming for it helps a lot(which sucks that the new nspires are so locked down).   But which would you get for that price?  (which is why I have little motivation to get a CX CAS at the moment... because it costs quite a bit more right now).

Off hand do you happen to know the major differences between 3.1 and 3.2 (on a functional level, is 3.2 "that" much better?)?

Interesting to know that there may be a way to keep both, hmm..

Thanks for the insight Dapianokid.

The more I talk to you guys, the more I'm leaning more towards the touchpad CAS.... maybe down the road I'd consider the CX CAS, but I guess I'm not in a rush to for now.  Math is my game, lol.  But I also loved how there were so many custom apps that people made for the ti-89.  It's saddening to hear that it's not as so with the nspire.

I heard about how os 3.1 can be hacked with ndless and then load lua and something else(can't remember) in order to run custom stuff, but then I ask myself, "are there that many custom progz/apps out there for the nspire? Or is more worth it to upgrade to 3.2?" 

Are you only limited to TI calcs? What about a Casio calc? I really enjoy my 9750gII, the BASIC is powerful and runs at a decent speed, and they can also be programmed in C. They also have an iOS-esque menu (more friendlier than TI's command-line interface), and good filesystem tools.

Not necessarily limited to TI-calcs, however, in the big picture I do want CAS capabilities.  I've heard plenty of great things about the casio 9750/8560's(and prizms too, in fact I like casio's interfaces, I think they are usually quite efficient, I rock a fx-115es). It's just that you can get nspire touchpad cas's for a lot less now, I thought I might get one.  After hearing that the 84 emulator sucks on the nspire touchpad, I guess I'll cross that off the list. 

I was debating between the nspire: touchpad, touchpad CAS, and maybe a CX(though they cost at least double of the non-CX version, and I wasn't sure if it was worth it for me at least, again I'm aware of their spec advantages, just wasn't sure on the software hackability side). 

I thought the normal touchpad might be favorable at first because of the 84emulator/faceplace + hearing that you could load in the CAS... but as it turns out from hearing from you guys, the 84emulator is half baked, and loading CAS on there is a pain.

Wait, this is what I was referring to when I mentioned the Ti-84:

Does that only work on the non-CAS nspire?  Or does it also work on the CAS nspire as well? 

Thanks for the reply Dj Omnimaga.

I guess I won't be looking at the CX series then(I don't care about color).  

The CAS touchpad seems more of a logical choice(if I'm not mistaken, I can do pretty much everything that I can do on the ti-89? Integration? differentials?  imaginary numbers?)  I won't be using it for school as far as I can tell, it's just solely for being a collector/tinkerer(while also being functional).

Only reason I considered the non-CAS touchpad was because it comes with a Ti-84 emulator(doesn't it?), which can probably also run apps?  While also being able to load CAS?(but I just found out from you that it's a pain and not guaranteed, esp in the US.. which is where I am)

I haven't used the Nspires, but from what I understand there downloadable apps(officially from TI) to add functionality(chemistry, physics, more math stuff,etc.)?

I've been a user of the ti-83 and have an hw2 Ti-89, then one day I see that Ti releases the Nspire series, later to have the Nspire CX(with color) series.  I liked the community of the old school ti8x series and how it could load apps... however, I hear that you can't do this with the nspire series?

Any how, I'm looking for a new calculator, I'm the type of geek/tinkerer who likes to get my hands on gadgets.  I want CAS functionality, but since I hear you can load CAS on a non-CAS nspire(for the non-cx version at least), is there a reason to pick one over the other?

(again, I don't want to break any forum rules, please have patience or let me know)
What do you recommend for being not only a powerful calculator(with CAS functions), but also with mod-ability/tinkering? 

Last but not least, as a coder/tinkerer/modder(within legal boundaries), which calculator would you pick and why(between nspires:  touchpad, touchpad CAS, CX, CX CAS)?  Is there any real benefit of getting the CX series(I know it's backlit color, I know it has a rechargeable battery, it's slimmer/lighter, and I know it has more memory storage... but all these things I could live without to be honest...unless it has significantly more processing power than a non CX version...also I don't care about the gbc emulator either, lol).

Thanks in advance!

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