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Messages - ms549

Pages: [1]
Other Calculators / Re: Ti-82 calculator
« on: August 31, 2009, 05:30:24 pm »
The Ti-82 was designed by Texas Instruments, as you know.... The calculator contained program coding and assembly capabilities.  My favorite were the traditional If...Then...End statements that made programming code a lot simpler.  Another tactic I learned was to make sufficient use of the matrix system established within the pre-installed operating system.  That just means that the matrices can be used as a network of variables that can accomplish unlimited possibilities for progamming which requires multiple number crunching.  You can rewrite to the matrix values during the course of the program.

EDIT: My vote was yes.

Other Calculators / Ti-82 calculator
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:15:53 am »
Here is a program that I wrote which needs to be manually typed into the calculator.

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