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Messages - Mndrs78

Pages: [1]
Howdy everyone, I have ti nspire with 84+ keypad on it.

I connected PC and Calculator using the USB Cable. Installed TI Connect and then went to DeviceExplorer, and the program managed to find my calculator and open the device explorer correctly.

However, when I try to transfer programs (by dragiing them to the TI Connect Interface), I get this error message:

Usb communication error: unexpected packet ( 8C080008)

I have no idea of what it means and google is not helping me.

The USB Port is fine I tested it with a Pen drive. However, I can't transfer files.

Help me please,


I had same problem, i reselvod whit shut off my anti moustik, the ultrasons cause this problem for me.

Sorry for my bad english.

In french :

J'ai un programme qui émet de ultrasons pour fuir les moustique, une fois éteint tout a remarché ;)

Pages: [1]