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Messages - hkoizumi

Pages: [1]
TI 68K / Re: FFTOM 89 Port
« on: December 09, 2009, 05:47:17 am »
that's good to hear haha. For now I will browse around and see what's going on and I still need to get my hands on a calculator but first I need need $$$. It won't be a while until I can actually start programming again. :(

TI 68K / Re: FFTOM 89 Port
« on: December 02, 2009, 10:47:28 pm »
Yes you are right about the sword of truth series. During my highschool years, those books were in my interest by accident if you will. It laid on the bench outside my school lost from the owner. The only clue was the named crudely printed "James" behind the front cover. I was planning to report it as lost and found but as soon as I read couple of pages from that book I was hooked... You may look at that as a stealing and I am at no contest but I also think it was fate that brought me into the world of "Fantasy". It was that book that actually ignited my interest to write my own story. Unfortunately back in those days my grammar skill lacked because I was still learning English. I was not the right candidate to write a legitimate story on the paper. Then here comes TI... I remember my first program called Distance; a algebra program that formulates the distance. From there on I created my first game Black Jack 1.9 (may still be around). I guess I am fortunate that I have few talent from the Art, music, and understanding of programming at the time. I could say the "Magic" struck me constantly as I programmed 6+ games in TI-83's.

Thank you for posting that video on youtube. I was at first embarrassed that it was on it but I later felt the gratitude and happiness from knowing people actually enjoyed my game. I appologize for the game being buggy. FFTOM2 was the buggiest game I have ever made thus far haha. I swear I still have the written note of "Bugs to fix" in my notebook with 3 full pages of lists. It is funny that the person who I was talking in vent stated that I may have  contributed to many failures in grade for those who have possessed my game. I have laughed and also felt guilty but then again my job was to entertain people and which I think I have accomplished that to the fullest extent. ;D

I currently am now a Deejay at my local clubbing area remixing tracks and rendering famous trance music into seamless streamline of tracks. Unfortunately the club I was regular in got closed down in 2005 (nation in D.C.). Since then I've been traveling from Florida, Maryland, D.C.area, and as well as Hassen Germany.

Ever since I abandoned my FFTOM3 project, I was reluctant to go back to programming because of the drastic changes made software to hardware-wise. I can say I disappeared like the ASM legend Bill Nigel haha. But then again and I say here, I am back to support you guys in anyway. I may even learn the programming again if need be. But I must first wait until I get my hands on TI-84 though.

Before I take my leave I'd like to ask you guys something. Are there still people out there play TI-games? I ask this because when I was in highschool there was no such thing as handheld gaming machine except the bulky gameboy. Now that we have Iphone, Itune, PsP, etc... are we still being sought out?

TI 68K / Re: FFTOM 89 Port
« on: December 02, 2009, 06:49:56 am »
oh I forget to add, I know some of you may be skeptical that this is really Hitoshi. I know this because when I first reveal myself couple years ago, many of the people did not believe and one even said I can't be Hitoshi because my IP is in VA? As far as I can tell you I haven't been in JP since 1993 and most of the time spent are in America haha. But anyway if you believe me fine, if you don't that is okay. I manage to upload FFTOM2 Graphical usage backup to my storage if anybody would like to see it. Also this contains an excel sheet that reveals the list variables (study it and you can cheat haha).


oh btw in why is my old beta version of fftom2 still up there? I used to have fftom1.3 I think... The only version I have on disk is 1.00... I wish I kept the 1.3 though.

TI 68K / Re: FFTOM 89 Port
« on: December 02, 2009, 06:28:16 am »
Anybody still alive? This is Hitoshi... I did disappear for a long time but I guess I am here to give you all the source code you need for the program. I am amazed to see how my game has somewhat became a legend in Basic programming. Funny thing is I was on vent with people I knew in mmo and my conversation skewed to nostalgic stuff. Before I knew it, I searched my name in google and here I am haha.

I do have matrix notes in excel for FFTOM2 and also FFTOM3 source code. I am willing to give you a link if you wish or if anybody still cared...

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