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Messages - Ghezra

Pages: [1] 2
Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.06)
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:47:23 pm »
Thank you for the _G ! It's worked perfectly, or at least, it hasn't spit an error at me yet.

I've been down a bit, but not because I haven't been busy. Reallly close to getting all the features finished into the game from TIRPG2. Once content is fully loaded, then I can do more fine tuning on the Gui and display/colors and such.

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Also, If anyone wants to give a crack at drawing some sprites for the enemies, I plan on adding pictures to each enemy.
"Imp","Slime","Goblin","Giant Spider","Ghost","Hill Giant","Shade","Medusa","Leviathan","The Greater Demon","The Great Dragon","The Demonic Beast",The Reborn Wrath","Doppelganger","Failure Elemental","Death herself"

They can be from 16x16 -> 60x60. And anywhere in between. I'll obviously credit you in the credits (a better credits page than I currently have on the game)

Also also,
I'll be sitting down and working on making a readme file for the game here soon too. Have to take Superbany's and make it to where it accounts for all the changes in use.
Newest version is runnable. 0.06 3/18/2012.

***.tns file not uploaded until I can have more time testing stability, next version I'll include the tns***

Basic Item Store added (ring shop and arrow shop coming in next update)
Items can be used in combat now (poison daggers, bombs, molotovs, lamps, etc)
Status effects work on players and enemies alike now
General bug-fixing previous code (removing of loadstring in favor of _G, and many more)

Next 3 on list to finish:
-Finishing bug fixing Item use in combat (some have slipped through)
-Arrow type store and Ring store/implementing Rings
-Re-vamping introduction to game

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.05)
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:54:55 am »
Newest version is runnable. 0.05 3/9/2012.

Magic store is added and fully functional
All spells work in combat as intended (That I know of)
revised code more (finally got loadstring() to work.. so have to revamp potion system again)

Heres an example of what I mean:
Code: [Select]
spellstats = {"spell_bolt", spell_bolt, 20, (spell_bolt+1)*5, 25}

assert(loadstring(spellstats[1].." = "..spellstats[1].." + 1"))()

That runs as if it was:
Code: [Select]
spell_bolt = spellbolt + 1

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04d)
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:27:00 pm »
The bugs that I had, I fixed.

The save game issue was that and on.restore didn't work as I had intended. So I made it to where its saving inside the tns again with

but to keep the save games from being altered, I used monitor and varChange. I attempted to modify them myself and it seems to prevent any sort of modification outside of the lua code. So theres that.

Also, scan works as intended now even from a loaded game. Win.

---Oh, and since the .lua was only grabbed once, I just kept the same version number, so that one person should download v0.04d again. FYI.

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04d)
« on: March 09, 2012, 07:01:09 pm »
Update posted.

Equipment store completed. Also I've been taking almost all of your suggestions to heart. You can see that reflected in the lua code.

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04c)
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:21:30 pm »
Working on killing a few new bugs I had found while working with code (namely, game saving on death resulting in a loaded game with -3 hp...)

But to give you a glimpse at the new update that'll come tonight, Heres an animated gif of the new fight selection screen. Complete with if you've scanned the monster, its name is displayed as you select it, along with all of its scanned goodness in the combat screen. (Poison is in green on colored screen.. I just dont have the ability to show you that.. lol)

and control is through the up and down arrows. I know how much people like to use them :)

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04c)
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:55:10 pm »
Excellent suggestions, on.paint is now half of its size with basically the different menu displays pulled out into their own functions.

equipment() now is reduced drastically as the equipment strings are all defined now in the arrays on.create() like someone suggested.

Also translated the screen manager into english and read it. But it just didn't feel right as a fit for my style of coding and it seemed too big of a changed that I'd have to spend too much time reworking code and not enough time finishing the code I need to add.

Also, in about 30 minutes I'll have encounter screen more like how it is in TI RPG 2, since there you could PICK which fight you did instead of it being random based on level. But I will still have a few tricks up my sleeve so no worries.

Wait.. I said I was going to take today off. Crackerjacks!

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04c)
« on: March 08, 2012, 05:47:14 pm »
**And having been working on this relatively constant for the last 4-5 days, I'm going to take a day long breather. Step back from the code a bit. Keep the great suggestions coming!**

Newest version is runnable. 0.04c 3/8/2012.

Combat options like Run, Retreat, Scan now work as intended
But you'll have to wait until you get them through leveling up.
Run - lvl 5
Scan - lvl 10
Retreat - lvl 15
Huge revisions to the lua code, namely the Save and load games and incorporation of string arrays.

Next 3 on list to finish:
-Code modification/clarity
-Item store
-Armor store

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04b)
« on: March 08, 2012, 04:02:35 pm »
Jim, don't think I didn't see what you said. It was great!! Now the save game is completely nested inside the Lua so no chance of cheating!! Great ideas everyone! This is so helpful, lol

EDIT: Adri! You snuck in right as I posted! Thanks for showing me that, Jim had mentioned it before, it was THAT website actually that I used as a guide for how I changed my code.

Code: [Select]
game_save = {}
game_save[1] = {race,arrows,arrowtyp,bag,bankgold,bomb,bow,boss1,boss2,boss3,boss4,burn,day,boost_def}
game_save[2] = {defense,potion_def,boost_dex,potion_dex,dexterity,distance,en_burn,en_life,en_pois,game,gold,gotboss1,gotboss2,gotboss3}
game_save[3] = {gotboss4,helm,herb,hp,hpmax,potion_hp,boost_int,intelligence,potion_int,lamp,level,molotov,mp,mpmax}
game_save[4] = {potion_mp,orb,points,poisdag,pois,ring,ring_cure,ring_fear,ring_health,ring_l33t,ring_sight,ring_train,ring_wealth,robe}
game_save[5] = {shield,shoes,skill_retreat,skill_run,skill_scan,boost_spe,special,speed,spell_bolt,spell_heal,spell_stat,spell_stun,potion_spe}
game_save[6] = {boost_str,strength,potion_str,stun,sword,xp,armor}
game_save[7] = scan
return game_save
function on.restore(save)

local game_load1 = save[1]
local game_load2 = save[2]
local game_load3 = save[3]
local game_load4 = save[4]
local game_load5 = save[5]
local game_load6 = save[6]

if game_load1 == nil then
--Then there is no save game and it displays as such
race = game_load1[1]
armor = game_load6[7]
arrows = game_load1[2]

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04b)
« on: March 08, 2012, 02:59:12 pm »
Ahh thanks for the clarification. Also so far the arrays of strings are working nicely. Compacting code a bit. As can be seen by the new combatLineCycle()

I also am making everything agree with that naming convention. (which is pretty easy with "find 'dexpotion, replace all with 'potion_dex' lol)

Code: [Select]
function combatLineCycle()
for i=1,7 do
combatLine[9-i] = combatLine[8-i]

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04b)
« on: March 08, 2012, 02:38:14 pm »
I made the array changes to the save and load functions. It all works without any problems.

As far as grouping goes.. I never thought to group the save because well, The only reason I need them grouped at all is just so they save correctly in groups of 14. The grouping they exhibit is never functionally used at all. So I think I'll leave them grouped as such as it doesn't particularly matter.

What I did notice however is how you have variables 'group' grouped.
ie: potion_hp potion_mp potion_dex potion_int etc etc
Why use _ instead of . here? Which is the better syntax wise? I'm all for changing. I'm going back now to see about doing the strings in arrays for the displays.

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04b)
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:41:44 am »
I added the ability to Run and to scan the enemy.

But some minor/major bugs cropped up so I'm going to wait till tonight to squash them a little bit before releasing a new version. I know the game won't be entirely playable until equipment/items get sorted. But as it stands right now Superbany programmed the equipment store in such a way that its almost entirely unusable in Lua. So I'll be redesigning it from scratch like I did with the level up screen.

I'll keep working on it everyday and make it better and better.

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04b)
« on: March 08, 2012, 12:09:18 am »
Potions completed, I just bypassed the use of 'loadstring' altogether even though it kept the code cleaner. If it don't work I can't use it! lol

Also added in a smattering of color (only three things) But for those of you with the CX's, it will be slightly cooler looking.

*Edit: PS: New source and TNS file put on main post, as always.

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04a)
« on: March 07, 2012, 06:41:30 pm »
Question on loadstring.. So its a function that runs a string as if it were an instruction line.. but I can't seem to get it to work right.

Here is a simple example of what I have:

This is what I think it should do, potpt("mp", "mpmax", "mppotion"), then goes into the potpt function,
the first loadstring should be

loadstring(potstr.." = "..potstr.." - 1")()

which string wise would be

loadstring("mppotion = mppotion - 1")()

so it should run the line:

mppotion = mppotion - 1

But it doesn't. Where am I going wrong with my use of loadstring? Any suggestions?

Code: [Select]
     potpt("mp", "mpmax", "mppotion")

function potpt(statstr,statmaxstr,potstr)
boostamt = 0
boostamt = math.random(1,dexterity)
if loadstring("if "..statstr..">"..statmaxstr.." then return true")() then
combatLine1 = "You drink an "..statstr.." potion... +"..boostamt.." "..statstr.."."

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04a)
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:53:31 pm »
Someone, that's a great suggestion! I'm unfamiliar with arrays, so I coded to my strengths but it would definitely help with cleaning up some of the code. I'll have to work a little bit to try to implement it soon after I get some more features ironed out.

Color is something that I'd love to do, but I was suggested to hash out all the feature/mechanics first and then work in the color afterwards. Based on how everything is drawn in on.paint() I can easily see how I can work in colors once I do get to that point. I personally only have a black and white Nspire (not the blue face one).

I also plan on adding sprites everywhere too. Not just the mainbanner as it is now. But I want to make sure that ALL Nspires have a good experience, instead of catering to CX's.

Keep the coding suggestions coming!

Lua / Re: Ti RPG 2 done in Lua (V0.04)
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:54:11 am »
Updated original post.

-Fixed Defence bug
-Added Inn
-Added Town conversations
-Days now cycle with Inn stays and not with combat
-Money in the bank gets interest per Inn stay now

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