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Messages - DarkLechuga

Pages: [1]
ASM / Best IDE for TI 83+ Asm???
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:30:51 pm »
Currently, what is the best IDE for Asm programming on the 83+??? I'm looking specifically for something that'll catch any mistakes i may make :|

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:45:33 pm »
Many thanks Xeda.

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:37:03 am »
Where can i find a complete list of all b_calls, with descriptions of each?

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 02, 2012, 12:49:28 pm »
Seems to have fixed the problem. Many thanks! What exactly does changing that setting do?

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:04:28 pm »
Got WabbitEmu up and running (it did indeed include a ROM dumper). Ran the text display program whose source code i posted earlier, results are in the attached screenshot.

Also, i modified the program to set the cursor in the bottom left of the screen right before the program finished, but when the program was done the cursor still reset itself to the position seen in the screenshot.

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 01, 2012, 04:58:41 pm »
My 84+ has v2.53MP. Downloaded WabbitEmu, i'll take it for a spin tonight if i have the time. And what exactly do you mean, get a ROM from my calc, and how do i do that? Sorry if that's a stupid question :|

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:40:18 am »
Quigibo: My little brother has an 83+, i put the program on it and ran it and it worked okay, with the cursor below all the text. It seems the 84+ automatically resets the cursor while the 83+ just picks it up where the program left it (which is what i want). Any way to make it not reset the cursor? Also, when you say "the beginning of the program" where exactly do you mean?

Chickendude: Thanks for the tip, I'm still getting the hang of registers. What does CUROFFSET do? Also, what exactly does HomeUp do?

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:24:45 pm »
Here it is:

   #include ""

.org $9D93
.db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
   ld hl,0
   ld (CURCOL),hl
   ld hl,0
   ld (CURROW),hl
   ld hl,txtMsg
   .db "Displaying text "
   .db "on the home page"
   .db "using a new call"
   .db "that may or may "
   .db "not work.       ",0

This program displayed fine on the debugger with the "Done" and cursor below all the text when the program finished, but on my 84+ the "Done" and cursor were on the first and second rows on top of my text.
Any advice is welcome here (although preferably pertaining to the original question), i'm thoroughly new to Asm and need all the help i can get. Thanks again!

ASM / Re: Asm for the TI84+
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:57:44 pm »
I've fiddled with Currow and Curcol some, it still resets to the aforementioned cursor position when the program finishes. I seriously hope i'm not the only one with this problem... Read thru the 28 days tutorial page Deep Thought linked, i'm actually using both 28 days alongside another tutorial (i believe by someone named jeff chai) to learn. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

ASM / Asm for the TI84+
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:31:19 pm »
I have a TI84+, and want to learn how to program games for it in Asm. So far i haven't been able to find a tutorial for Asm programming for TI84+, so i've been using a cpl different tutorials for the 83+. Everything i've read says programs for the 83+ should run just fine on the 84+, but i've been having some minor difficulties. All i've done so far is make a few extremely simple programs clear the screen, move to a new line, display the "Done" message, and display text. When i run these programs thru the TI Flash Debugger for 83+, they run the way i intend, but when i send them to my calc and run them, they act funny. A program made to produce a few lines of text followed by a blank line runs fine on the debugger, but when on the actual calc, the text displays but then the "Done" message appears on top of (and obscuring) the text on the top right of the screen, and the cursor ends up over the text on the left hand side of the second row. It seems that on the 83+, when a program finishes, the cursor stays where the program left it, but on the 84+ it automatically reverts to left hand second row. Any ways to fix this??? Anything else i should know that differs between 83+ asm and 84+???

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