
eleowhitker LV0 Newcomer (Next: 5)

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Date Registered:
October 22, 2020, 10:45:02 am
Local Time:
May 04, 2024, 11:16:37 pm
Last Active:
October 22, 2020, 12:10:41 pm
Hello, my name is Fernando and I practice cold therapy and the sure thing is that before carrying out a treatment we must be sure of the diagnosis and if in doubt do not treat.

An informed consent must always be given, signed by the doctor and the patient, or by the patient's legal guardian if the child is immature. Correct information must be provided about the proposed intervention and its possible variations. In addition to providing oral information, a written information document must be available about the procedure and the main problems related to the intervention.

Handling of liquid nitrogen containers for transport, storage or emptying should be done in an upright position.

It is essential to adopt sterilization techniques and/or the use of disposable material given the risk of transmission of viral diseases as mentioned above. As prevention, in Primary Care it is preferable to use spraying techniques.

In all cases we should use gloves; files in case of using swabs or sprayers and otoscope cones to delimit the field in the case of sprayers.

As post-treatment care, povidone-iodine is applied to the lesion and covered with a sterile dressing. Blisters should be cut, antibiotic ointment applied and covered with a sterile dressing. The exposed areas should not be exposed directly to the sun's rays and total protection sunscreens should be used.