Axe / Re: Physics Lessons
« on: February 03, 2011, 07:24:27 pm »
Do yout mean projectiles that are affected by gravity?
Otherwise I think that it would'nt be anything else than a routine like that (which is expressed in a general way):
Wouldn't it?
All in all doesn't projectile motion just include some of the tutorials that are already given?
(I ask dumb for my programming experiences are limitted to mostly personal experiments without any serious profession)
Otherwise I think that it would'nt be anything else than a routine like that (which is expressed in a general way):
Code: [Select]
[refresh position]
Wouldn't it?
All in all doesn't projectile motion just include some of the tutorials that are already given?
(I ask dumb for my programming experiences are limitted to mostly personal experiments without any serious profession)