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Topics - Eiyeron

Pages: 1 [2] 3
TI Z80 / [C /axe?] Hinawa Battle Engine
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:10:00 am »
Hinawa Battle Engine


  • SHIFT : Validate
  • ALPHA : Cancel
  • Arrow Keys : Move
  • Clear : Exit

Other Calculators / Snak'11
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:43:51 am »

Hello there, and here's my (yet-another) Snake!
HE don't have a big map, neither levels, but he's quite simply and cute :3

Compiled with Axe 1.2.1a

  • Title animation interacting with the game's speed
  • Mini-Snake game-like, with simple 3 gray graphisms
  • 9 speeds, including Suicide Mode
  • Highsore stocked by an AppVar, to makes the game runnable without shell
  • Totally random Obstacles, can spawn EVERYWHERE, even in front of you! :3
  • Lightwieght and fast
Aaand... ELeven, because my number of fingers :-°

TI Z80 / [Axe] TileEdit
« on: August 09, 2013, 09:39:02 am »
Hello everyone! I'm just posting a little tool I made for designing some sprites months ago.

It's a 8*8 4G Sprite editor. Made to be compact and quite fast, yet feature-full.
It exports your sprite in Str1.
Use [2ND] to turn on/off ligh gray and [ALPHA] to turn on/off dark gray.

The given source includes a little integer scaling sprite drawing library, SPRZOOM. Just look out the routines to get some useful scaling functions. TileEdit depend a lot of theses functions.

  • Full 8*8 4G sprite editor
  • Inverse colors, flip vertically/horizontally your sprite
  • Rotate it! You spin me round baby!
  • Export the sprite in a string easily usable in Axe parser (Rcl Str1 in program editor to paste Hex Code)
  • Saves the actual sprite in a appvar buffer to not lose stupidly your progress! ;)
  • Preview your sprite at zoom 1* and 2*, and 3*3 tiled easily!

Keys :
  • Arrow : navigate in your sprite
  • Shift : turn on/off light gray on the selected pixel
  • Alpha : turn on/off dark gray on the selected pixel
  • [F1-F5] Select menu item

Menu items:
  • CLS : CLear Sprite
  • INV : INVerse sprite's colors
  • FLV : FLip Vertically
  • FLH : FLip Horizontally
  • MOR : MOaR menu
  • BAK : BAcK to previous menu
  • ROT : clowkwise ROTation
  • RTC : RoTation Counterclock wise
  • PRW : PRevieW
  • EXP: EXPort

Obligatory screenshot (preview can't work on Wabbit because I'm using [F4] to preview) link in the post.

Casio PRIZM / [BETA] Bust-A-Move
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:05:15 pm »

Bust-A-Move is a arcade game with reflexion and truly colored bubbles!
Throws cute bubble to unite them in 3-group or more to make them explode, to clear the level!
Will you get enough chance to finish the 30 levels in this accurate adaptation?

Keys :
[F1] : Insert a coin
[REPLAY] : Turn the arrow
[SHIFT] : Throw a bubble
[EXIT] : Exit
[??] : Skip a Level (Cheater! Beta command)
[??] : Go back a level (Cheater! Beta command)

I miss some features, like Highscore, and graphics, but the game is totally playable! ;)

Calculator C / nSDL: crossProject
« on: June 10, 2012, 10:43:17 am »
Hey Guys! Just a question: I want to program some tests for The Cx, but I want first to test with computer, and without the nSpire emulator.
I want my programs to be compiled as good as for nSpire as Computer.

For the moment, I'll be on SDL. What should I do to make the project "automatically" nSDL-compliant?


PS/ Ah, and I'll start doing the tutorial to get an Windows portable nDless SDK the week after the BAC, french exams.

TI Z80 / [Ti-Concours] BlocksMania
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:33:59 am »
I'm posting this to get a lil' placeholder until I get a computer working with my calc.

But for waiting, here is my new project, specially for TI: BlocksMania, based on the IPhone original game!

In this hand made picture of the level 1, you are the circle, and you must go to the goal (cross), but you can move only when you are still (for example after collided with the boxes). There are not any fire mode object nor move switcher in this first level, but they will come relatively fast across the levels! That game is goaled to be an brain eater! :p
It's a early alpha version at the moment, the engine is not finished, Im ust finish teleporters and goal.
I planning al teast 30 15*24 levels with good RLE compression who works at the moment, that won't be (I think) a good problem...

Anyway, I'll try to remember finish the engine for the next week! :p

Casio Calculators / Finish that grayscale engine
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:14:24 pm »
#include "draw.h"
#include "gray.h"

void draw_bmp(unsigned char* bmp, int x, int y, int width, int height, Buffer buffer, DrawMode drawmode)
   char* screen;
   if(buffer == LIGHT_BUFFER)
      screen = gray_getScreen()->VRAM1;
      screen = gray_getScreen()->VRAM2;

   switch(drawmode) {
      case OR: draw_bmp_or_cl(bmp, x, y, width, height, screen); break;
      case AND: draw_bmp_and_cl(bmp, x, y, width, height, screen); break;
      case AND_NOT: draw_bmp_andnot_cl(bmp, x, y, width, height, screen); break;

int draw_read_pix(int x, int y, char* light_buffer, char* dark_buffer)
   char color;
   if(x<0 || y<0 || x>127 || y>63) return 0;
   color = (light_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)]&128>>(x&7) ? 1 : 0);
   color |= (dark_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)]&128>>(x&7) ? 2 : 0);
   return color;

void draw_write_pix(int x, int y, int color, char* light_buffer, char* dark_buffer)
   if(x<0 || y<0 || x>127 || y>63) return;
   if(color < 0) color = 0;
   else if(color > 3) color = 3;

   if(color & 1) light_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)] |= 128>>(x&7);
   else light_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)] &= ~(unsigned char)(128>>(x&7));
   if(color & 2) dark_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)] |= 128>>(x&7);
   else dark_buffer[(y<<4)+(x>>3)] &= ~(unsigned char)(128>>(x&7));

void draw_bmp_or_cl(unsigned char *bmp, int x, int y, int width, int height, char* buffer)
   unsigned short line;
   char shift, *screen, *p;
   int i, j, real_width, begin_x, end_x, begin_y, end_y;
   char bool1=1, bool2=1, bool3;
   if(!bmp || x<1-width || x>127 || y<1-height || y>63 || height<1 || width<1) return;
   p = (char*)&line;
   real_width = (width-1>>3<<3)+8;
   if(y < 0) begin_y = -y;
   else begin_y = 0;
   if(y+height > 64) end_y = 64-y;
   else end_y = height;
   shift = 8-(x&7);
      begin_x = -x>>3;
      if(shift != 8) bool1 = 0;
   } else begin_x = 0;
   if(x+real_width > 128) end_x = 15-(x>>3), bool2 = 0;
   else end_x = real_width-1>>3;
   bool3 = (end_x == real_width-1>>3);
   screen = buffer+(y+begin_y<<4)+(x>>3);

   for(i=begin_y ; i<end_y ; i++)
      if(begin_x < end_x)
         line = bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+begin_x] << shift;
         if(bool1) screen[begin_x] |= *p;
         if(shift!=8) screen[begin_x+1] |= *(p+1);
         for(j=begin_x+1 ; j<end_x ; j++)
            line = bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+j] << shift;
            screen[j] |= *p;
            if(shift!=8) screen[j+1] |= *(p+1);
      line = bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+end_x];
      if(bool3) line &= -1<<real_width-width;
      line <<= shift;
      if(begin_x < end_x || bool1) screen[end_x] |= *p;
      if(bool2) screen[end_x+1] |= *(p+1);
      screen += 16;

void draw_bmp_and_cl(unsigned char *bmp, int x, int y, int width, int height, char* buffer)
   unsigned short line;
   char shift, *screen, *p;
   int i, j, real_width, begin_x, end_x, begin_y, end_y;
   char bool1=1, bool2=1, bool3;
   if(!bmp || x<1-width || x>127 || y<1-height || y>63 || height<1 || width<1) return;
   p = (char*)&line;
   real_width = (width-1>>3<<3)+8;
   if(y < 0) begin_y = -y;
   else begin_y = 0;
   if(y+height > 64) end_y = 64-y;
   else end_y = height;
   shift = 8-(x&7);
      begin_x = -x>>3;
      if(shift != 8) bool1 = 0;
   } else begin_x = 0;
   if(x+real_width > 128) end_x = 15-(x>>3), bool2 = 0;
   else end_x = real_width-1>>3;
   bool3 = (end_x == real_width-1>>3);
   screen = buffer+(y+begin_y<<4)+(x>>3);

   for(i=begin_y ; i<end_y ; i++)
      if(begin_x < end_x)

         line = ~((unsigned char)~bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+begin_x]<<shift);
         if(bool1) screen[begin_x] &= *p;
         if(shift!=8) screen[begin_x+1] &= *(p+1);
         for(j=begin_x+1 ; j<end_x ; j++)
            line = ~((unsigned char)~bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+j]<<shift);
            screen[j] &= *p;
            if(shift!=8) screen[j+1] &= *(p+1);
      line = (unsigned char)~bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+end_x];
      if(bool3) line &= -1<<real_width-width;
      line = ~(line << shift);
      if(begin_x < end_x || bool1) screen[end_x] &= *p;
      if(bool2) screen[end_x+1] &= *(p+1);
      screen += 16;

void draw_bmp_andnot_cl(unsigned char *bmp, int x, int y, int width, int height, char* buffer)
   unsigned short line;
   char shift, *screen, *p;
   int i, j, real_width, begin_x, end_x, begin_y, end_y;
   char bool1=1, bool2=1, bool3;
   if(!bmp || x<1-width || x>127 || y<1-height || y>63 || height<1 || width<1) return;
   p = (char*)&line;
   real_width = (width-1>>3<<3)+8;
   if(y < 0) begin_y = -y;
   else begin_y = 0;
   if(y+height > 64) end_y = 64-y;
   else end_y = height;
   shift = 8-(x&7);
      begin_x = -x>>3;
      if(shift != 8) bool1 = 0;
   } else begin_x = 0;
   if(x+real_width > 128) end_x = 15-(x>>3), bool2 = 0;
   else end_x = real_width-1>>3;
   bool3 = (end_x == real_width-1>>3);
   screen = buffer+(y+begin_y<<4)+(x>>3);

   for(i=begin_y ; i<end_y ; i++)
      if(begin_x < end_x)

         line = ~(bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+begin_x]<<shift);
         if(bool1) screen[begin_x] &= *p;
         if(shift!=8) screen[begin_x+1] &= *(p+1);
         for(j=begin_x+1 ; j<end_x ; j++)
            line = ~(bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+j]<<shift);
            screen[j] &= *p;
            if(shift!=8) screen[j+1] &= *(p+1);
      line = bmp[i*(real_width>>3)+end_x];
      if(bool3) line &= -1<<real_width-width;
      line = ~(line << shift);
      if(begin_x < end_x || bool1) screen[end_x] &= *p;
      if(bool2) screen[end_x+1] &= *(p+1);
      screen += 16;

Casio Calculators / FX SDK won't compile
« on: May 07, 2012, 04:13:50 pm »
Hey guys! I was working on some FX projects, when  i saw that the compilation won't work on my computer, there is a process that hangs the SDK called "HMAKE", who tkaes me 50% of my processor power (maybe a full core), and 800~K RAM, and who can stay here for hours...

How could I fix that? I have tries reinstalling with/without changing folder, with/without removing others folders (appdata, regedit), but nothing...

Computer Projects and Ideas / Procedural Generation
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:27:56 pm »
Hey there!
I won't talk about projects, but more an idea, or a concept: Procedural Generation (PG for the non-noobs)
What is PG?
Procedural Generation is a tool into designing something that won't be fixed, or can change between levels/plays...
For example: Minecraft's world are procedurally generated: it uses random generation with some fixed rules (cannot have for example floating lava lakes ;) )

Here mine example: i'm a bit lazy, and I programmed a thing that gives me a map from a sketech I did. I did the shape, my prog gives me the geometry
Made with blender, with this picture:
The 4 panels can be easily explained:
Top left : Height Map
Top right : vegetation density
Botttom Left: Height + water level
Bottom right : Final

It's made with Processing and [diamond square algoritm] and [Processing].

Here. Gives us your examples, your works! PG is a so big subject to talk about!

Casio Calculators / DO you want to try something?
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:36:56 am »
I discevered this about one month agon and I more os less saw it's power...
Try Red List1[1]...

TI Z80 / Snak'11
« on: March 23, 2012, 10:54:17 am »
Hello there, and here's my (yet-another) Snake!
HE don't have a big map, neither levels, but he's quite simply and cute :3

Compiled with Axe 1.2.1a

  • Title animation interacting with the game's speed
  • Mini-Snake game-like, with simple 3 gray graphisms
  • 9 speeds, including Suicide Mode
  • Highsore stocked by an AppVar, to makes the game runnable without shell
  • Totally random Obstacles, can spawn EVERYWHERE, even in front of you! :3
  • You wan now skip intro with pressing [SHIFT] during the intro. Intro will be disabled for the current session.

Aaand... ELeven, because my number of fingers :-°

EDIT: FInal version, changed peanut sprite, added obstacles, fixed a typo.

Casio Calculators / [FXes and PRzim] MAking sound
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:42:21 pm »
Hello there!
I makin' the post to work with the maximum of people who can help to working on making sound on Casios.
I know there is already Music players, but I really don't know how this is supposed to be and to work. That's why I wanted to make a unique post for the boh categories.
Prizms and FX are almost the same calcs.
With a friend, we could only get crackling noises, and awful result. I wonder if any goos result would be done, and maybe a tracker system, like TI real soundchip system, or Famitracker.
So here, we could work together to commit the maximum on infos on serials ports.
Could be this possible?

Casio Calculators / GCC Tutorial
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:07:43 pm »
I'm getting freaking sick of Casio's SDK, I cannot bear it anymore, between error in adresses, bugs in rx, and FU**** Exception blocked reset, AUGH!

I can't go further in Epic Coaster, just beacuse of dat SDK.

Please, someone could help me into get a GCC SDK, like for prizm, please?
Bonus points if that's portable.

Gaming Discussion / [3DS] Star Fox 64 3d
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:52:47 pm »
So, hello guys!
I just wanted to talk about my new game, my [L] button killer, Starfox 64 3D.
What could I say? DO A BARREL ROLL! Yes, orignal voices are back, graphics are a mot better (already saw with Zelda 64 3D)...
Comamnds are great, but a bit too reactive with the Circlepad, I think.
Original story is present, i'll test some alternative to say you if there are really all the stories.

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Andross is way more "realistic" than everything I saw on 3DS, It's very freaking to see it...

So, so...
I cannot let you don't buy it, guys!

Any impressions from your side?
So, for me, back to shop, for some trigger repair, and back to Corneria!
See ya!

Casio PRIZM / Prgm2
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:20:04 pm »
Hello there! I've got some news from the french Programmer PierrotLL!
Here's a link!

What's that? A basic hooker! If you launches a basic-program with some species, you'll be able to use C-functions!
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Just a reminder: the programs make the calc reboots at the end. <- Here is the thing!

See ya giys!

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