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Messages - Iambian

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CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 03, 2008, 06:44:14 pm »
well there are people  who owns one and actually does x.x. I don't really understand, though, because they have like 480K of archive (1.54 MB if they got the SE), they could fit 10 copies of Iambian's game or more when finished

And they'll probably have about that many copies. The underlying system is flexible enough for me to release various "editions" of the game, each with its own bosses and story lines. I could conceivably pump out these games as part of a series. I've already got three story ideas...

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:06:33 pm »
Well, that's it. I can actually foresee slamming face first into the 16KB memory limit for a 1 page application. I've just started working on the text system for the "story mode" in the game (where the story of the game is told in the dialogue between you and the boss of whatever level you're in) and I'm nearing 11KB.

Know that I have to have boss and enemy image and script data for about 6 to 8 stages, each boss having its own portrait sprite and image data for each of its spellcards that it can use. Then there's your own characters, which I plan on including 6 to 8, each with its own portrait and spellcard images, and their own code. Don't mention anything about backgrounds, which there will be 8+, one for each stage, and maybe one for each of the boss fights. THEN, there will be the actual dialogue between you and the boss, which will vary depending on what character you select for the "adventure."

Then, there's the issue of having an actual title screen, which this game completely lacks at this point. Cramming it all in the remaining 5K seems unrealistic, so... now I have to figure out how to distribute all this data across two or more pages and still have the routines that need to access it still readily available.

BUT... on the bright side, the beta demo version that will release prior to actually writing a coherent story for this will remain as a 1 page, 16K application. I just want to let you all know that this game *will* end up being a 32K or (if worst comes to worst) a 48K app when all is said and done.

TI Z80 / Re: Nyaar Screenshots
« on: December 02, 2008, 02:55:28 pm »
Well, of course it runs fast. It's using the awesomeness that is Celtic III to power his game.

*sigh*... I really ought to work on the project a bit more, but I'm stuck on CaDan...

But, anyway. I'm glad to see that this project is progressing so well. I knew those countless hours weren't for nothing (it's your guess as to who's hours I'm talking about)

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: November 28, 2008, 01:47:11 am »
The secret is to move your ship so that your right two bullets are hitting but the leftmost one barely misses him. A hole in the tracking system allows you to do this, but only if you start the pattern on the left side of the rotating spiral.

... or just hold MODE down and press DEL to activate the bomb used to give you time to blow the enemy to smithereens.

The aforementioned hole is difficult to notice if you're not focusing (MODE key held).

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:08:53 am »
See the screen shot:

Download the game as it stands. (See attached file)

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: November 20, 2008, 10:36:11 pm »
The screenie explains it all.

TI Z80 / Re: Game Info & Progress
« on: November 20, 2008, 05:53:24 pm »
For a speed-based game, try what FFX did. It was sorta turn-based but then again, there's a speed element associated with who went when. I loved how I got Tidus to have his turn thirteen times before ANYONE else got their turn. The enemy's turn didn't even show up in the sidebar.

Such a system would be easy to do. It would be incredible if you also had a sidebar to tell in advance who would go when.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: November 13, 2008, 12:21:49 am »
I've got the enemies shooting around working, and I also got the strip of code that allows enemies to aim in your vicinity working. The result? Something that could end up being pretty freaking difficult if I were cruel enough to add in the circular bullet pattern so the aiming would require you to weave through it.

Why didn't I? Well... I wanted something easy enough to demonstrate what I wanted while not having to replay the thing a zillion tries to make it look 1337.

Next up: Boss and stage scripts.

Screen shot :

EDIT: Attached the binary to the post. Except it's more difficult since I was cruel enough to do what I said I wasn't. lol.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: November 07, 2008, 10:54:47 am »
First of all, it was a pain to find a image hosting service that didn't seem to suck as bad as imageshack. That's something I'd like to let you all know.

So, back on topic... the shooter now renders enemies, and lets you shoot them down with extreme prejudice (zero delay autofire still enabled). The enemies now behave according to their own little script (but those in the demo gets all the same script). I have not tested out the firing capabilities of the player yet, but I expect to do a few days after the weekend's over.

So... screenshots, eh?

If you're curious about the script I used for the enemy, just know that I had to make this whole language up. Any improvements to it can certainly be made, including condensing certain commands that normally go very well together. But... try to figure it out :)
Code: [Select]
Heh. Try to understand that :P

TI-BASIC / Re: Ideas and Help
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:02:47 am »
Right now, I'm wondering if I should have an ending to the game.
Originally, I was thinking of no level cap and just letting people play on until they get bored.
My main issue with an ending though is where should it be?

Also, after awhile I'm sure dungeon crawling will get a bit tiresome... especially since I have to account for characters levels. I could just set all creatures to the level of the character at the time they meet. If not, I'd have to have a dungeon for each level they get to.

In either case, creating quests and/or bosses wil be a pain with this whole random generation thing too.
Though, I'm just not sure which would be more fun. A fixed world with a fixed plot and a fixed ending.
Or random world, no plot, and no ending.

In either case it'll be battling monster after monster to level up and become more powerful.
Argh... my mind has WAY too many conflicts.

If you're going to have a dungeon level system similar to that of Diablo, you're going to want to tie in quests and bosses to your map level variable so that they can appear (doesn't matter where, just that they appear before the exit of that particular map) on specific floors in specific areas. Who said things like that should be *completely* randomized? Quests should appear on a very specific floor (or you could do it plus or minus one floor for a sense of randomness) and bosses too. Speaking of the difficulty of the enemies that appear in the dungeons, you could also tie that in with your map variable so that you can allow the player some breathing room.

If you've ever played Lufia II, or some of its sequels/prequels/whatever, most of them feature this "Ancient Cave" thing. The one in the game I mention is completely randomized and goes down 100 floors without anywhere to save and very few places to heal yourself (forget about mana. Only the items you find inside can help you). In this game, there are only stairs leading downward but none going back up, so forward is the only way to go until you reach level 20 to 30 where you'll find "Providence" which will bring you back topside. All acquired items in the dungeon are taken away from you (except blue-chest items) and your experience level is reset to when you first entered the cave (along with items you can't take into the cave). When you go back into the cave, you gotta start with EXP lv 1, on the first floor, with nothing but 10 potions and any blue-chest items you've found.

Of course, the Ancient Cave itself was meant to be the ultimate challenge in the game. You need not make your game as difficult as that. But... if you want players to make 6 hour long runs at a time as they shoot straight to the final floor, you can do just that.

Just make sure that when you reach the final floor, the game says it's the "Final Floor" instead of something like "Floor 100". It gives a sense of deep satisfaction to know you're so close to the end. Also, make sure that the final floor isn't randomized, but is a very specific shape and size. Perhaps that of a long corridor leading into a very large chamber. With candles lined up on the sides!

Well, anyway. Whether or not there's a fixed plot and/or storyline, there can most certainly be a fixed ending. I think it's more fun with a definitive ending.

... or you could also add in my Ancient Cave idea as a bonus for getting the player through the normal game. It'll be a way to throw in some bonus content throughout the whole thing.

TI-BASIC / Re: Ideas and Help
« on: November 05, 2008, 07:56:11 pm »
No problem.

But now that I think about the whole scheme, I'm now interested in how fast you can regenerate a map from a single seed, since I'm pretty sure that constructing a sensible map from a random number must take quite a bit of work. For generating an actual dungeon from a random number, I've got very little idea as to how about doing it, and the only way that I can possibly think about doing it would take some serious processing time.

I hope to see what you can come up with. Exceed all expectations and create a truly great game! (Hmm... Diablo for the graphing calculator...)

You still may need a separate list linked to each "randomly"-generated dungeon to define the events that have happened in it. For example, which treasure chests have been taken and which ones are still there for grabs. Which quests have been completed in that level and which ones still remain to be done. You know, stuff like that.

EDIT: btw, the idea for the random number seed came from a much earlier project when Weregoose asked me to retrieve a listing of a couple hundred thousand results in an attempt to create some sort of weird compression routine that used the randomness found in the random number generator. I though it might be useful to somebody someday, even if in a different incarnation.

If you notice, some of the tiles around the place move slowly. This is a cheap way to increase/decrease Mario's speed to help him align himself better to the music. Other than that, yes, it is a s***load of trial and error and more ways to make it look amazing and beautiful at the same time.

It's noted somewhere that the video took the creator around half a year (6mo) to create that beast.

Also, the thing might've been made easier by the possibility that there may have been breakpoints in the music to allow stages in the giant level to be tested individually. If I was creating such a stage, I'd at least like that amount of comfort.

TI-BASIC / Re: Ideas and Help
« on: November 05, 2008, 06:00:25 pm »
If it's true that 75% of the game is basically randomized, I'm pretty sure that it would be suffice to say that random maps would also be sufficient, but if you really want it "Diablo-esque", you're going to want to save the maps that are generated, which could take up more space. A potential solution to that problem is to generate a map that is based upon a single seed. I say a single seed because "random" isn't really random if you seed the random number generator with a known value. In fact, all the numbers after the seed are the same if you happen to reseed rand with the same number. You can possibly get this seed by various means, including your stats and how many cycles it took for the player to push a key. Store this number (seed) into a list so that upon regenerating the map, you can look up that list for the seed that was used to generate it.

A good approach is to define a list used specifically for maps, and a variable to determine which map you are in. If you go to the next map and the variable's value exceeds that of the list dimensions, expand the list by one and add in a randomly selected number to be used as the seed. After that, go into some generic routine that picks that list element back up and loads it into rand for your random generator.


If you know all of this already, then... darn. I must sound like some sort of elitist or something. (sorry!)

Still. I can't ignore a possibility that an entire map can be stored in a single list element (9 bytes). Just make sure there's enough variation depending on the map level to ensure that none of the maps really do look alike, even with the same seed. You could be using your map level variable to make the determinations.

TI-BASIC / Re: Ideas and Help
« on: November 05, 2008, 12:47:13 am »
Interfere? Heck no. That's not the purpose. Celtic III is a stand-in replacement for xLIB with a load of extra functionality. Doesn't fully work quite yet, but if your needs aren't too demanding ( DJ's games don't qualify), it'll work out just great without any modification to the syntax.

Another plus is that Celtic III comes with an autoinstalling program in case you don't want to leave the installation of the lib up to the user. More information and documentation can be found here : . You'll be looking at "Progress..." for the most recent binaries. Also be sure to read through the topic, as it indicates known problems. If you experience problems, feel free to contribute.


As far as list to string goes, the same can be accomplished with a matrix. If you store the resulting matrix to a program file, it'll likely take up less memory than having the matrix as a matrix in memory. Sure, it's not immediately usable, but it'll help save space.

But... if you choose to use Celtic III as the main lib, you'll also be able to use string tilemaps, where you can absolutely do away with the entire matrix idea. But... you'd want to ask a very experienced BASIC programmer if you want a halfway-decent explanation on how that works.

TI-BASIC / Re: Ideas and Help
« on: November 04, 2008, 08:34:52 pm »
As a shameless plug...

While trying to *run* a hidden program won't go over very well, you can use Celtic III to access hidden programs. For an earlier post, you can also paste in list data as a string using another one of Celtic III's functions. The destination can be an appvar, so it won't be as easy to hack it. You can also explore Celtic III's ability to convert matrices into strings that you can use to write back into a program that could recreate it.

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