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Messages - Iambian

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The "It's over 9000" one... that's *so* totally wrong. Captain Falcon should have been turned to a pile of mush in that one, and his face sure shows it at the top-left corner of the screen.

Same way for the last link, except that you get to see it more since the person actually finished the track. Three laps in under 18 seconds. lol.

It's like, "Blargh! My face is being ripped off by teh extreem speedz and stuffs! Yay! I'm going to die but at least I went over ten times the max speed of everyone else! *dies*"

TI Z80 / Re: Zelda name suggestion
« on: September 17, 2008, 09:22:02 pm »
Whatcha talking about? Switching is perfectly fine in the middle of development.

All that means is that you have to start back from square 0.

It might even give you time to rethink what you're actually doing, and then go ahead and do what you wanted to do from the beginning. That is, after you get all the base code out of the way.

Then again, perhaps you shouldn't. That just takes way too much work and would discourage/dishearten anyone but the most hardcore programmer.

If you started in BASIC and need more power, you can turn to xLIB or Celtic III for that.

Project M (Super Mario) / Re: Progress of "M"
« on: September 17, 2008, 01:48:08 pm »
If this caliber of work continues, you'll have something that will truly pwn all the Mario games out there on the z80 series of calculators. I'm guessing you'll have more work to do regarding what the levels should be, since I'm also guessing that the main engine is practically done.

On another note, with such progress going on, you *should* have a couple of backups of your project in varying places. If you can, you should, say, e-mail yourself a copy of the project across varying accounts to keep your project safe from any unfortunate accidents that have plagued a few people in the past. Keep a backup on a USB flashdrive or two. Or you can even post the source for the most important part of the game someplace either private or public (but make sure you edit it so that it doesn't work right away and would require an ASM guru or yourself, the creator, to fix. You know... to prevent just any bozo from stealing code and claiming it for themselves).

Also, if you need any help with the coding aspect of the game, either because it's too complicated or you just don't have the time to code, you can ask me to do it. (SHAMELESS SELF-PLUG)

Ahem. Keep up the good work.


CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: September 16, 2008, 11:09:56 pm »
At the moment, the bullet rendering and movement engine is now working fantastic for 2x2 sized bullets and linear paths, respectively.

Right now, I could simply add in your character, collision detection, and then call it an asteroid dodging game in about fifteen minutes or less, but I know I plan on having a better game than that, so... I'll need more time to actually code in that part.

Grayscale (of some sort) has not been sacrificed as of yet, so there still might be hope. Then again, I haven't done any backgrounds so that might still take some time.

Still... any suggestions of any names? I just thought up of "Touhou7i", considering that this game will be be based off of the 7th project and the "i" would indicate it starting in the imaginary direction (lol).

EDIT: Just did some screenshots.

This screen shot shows off some nice, even movements and teh large number in the scoreboard :

This screen shot shows off the engine when it's totally maxed out. The scoreboard has been changed to reflect the remaining bullets on the screen, divided by 2 :

TI Z80 / Re: I need an idea, anyone willing to give me one?
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:59:51 am »
Try looking online for a simple Flash-based game that you can play in the browser. That, and a couple of suggestions that pointed to it helped create this game:

Though... it *did* take me about a month to create a first playable version, a year or two gap and another week to create this version, you should be able to pull something similar off if you put your mind to it and ask questions regarding what you want to build.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:54:26 am »
The engine in its most stripped down form is nearly done, but I still need to test the main parts for its goodness. I've already tested the maintenance routines used to keep track of the tables, but as I've said before.

Also, I'm considering dropping grayscale support since too much time is needed for the engine. I may end up adding that back in later as I can come up with a better idea of what my timings will be and what additional methods I can come up with to do what I want to do.

Expect a screenshot of simply the movement engine functioning pretty soon. Maybe with a little extra just to make the thing look reminiscent of an actual game.

CaDan SHMUP / Yet another shooter
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:26:23 pm »
This post is just to announce that I'm working on a danmaku SHMUP. The sort of gameplay that the game will have will be modeled after Touhou Project 7 : Perfect Cherry Blossom.

I do expect to put up a screen shot as soon as I can get something that demonstrates the engine instead of the already-working grayscale. Before I can demonstrate, though... I've got to finish that part of the engine.

So, no screen shot. Yet.

But while I'm posting, I want to ask for a name for the application and a name for the project. At first, I've tried BH83, and then ClcSHMUP, but none of those really satisfy me. Maybe it's just me...

Introduce Yourself! / Re: A Cherry-Flavored * Draws Near (again)
« on: September 04, 2008, 02:47:22 pm »
I kinda like this board already. Sure, it doesn't have some of the fancy features that I've gotten used to, but this one is pretty functional from a user point of view. It also has a nice clean appearance to it, which is something I like very much.

The idea about linking to the old board might be nice for some of the people here who want to read up on some of those really old posts just to get a handle on what they ought to do next (I'm not exactly in that position, so I can't really say for sure). It shouldn't be the most important thing on your mind at the moment, though. What I'd like to know is whether or not your staff and/or the board is tight enough to withstand and deal with a public announcement of this new Omnimaga and the "bad people" that might follow. When I said something about "nothing like before", I was really hinting on those attacks on the old board.

On another note, I *do* plan on making a "final" release of Celtic III as soon as I can iron enough bugs out and produce an application with a valid signature. Expect something like that... like... next month, maybe?

Also, I'm going to need a place to discuss the shooter that I'm trying to produce. *hinthint* :)

EDIT: Oh, one more thing. I noticed that clicking the huge Omnimaga banner at the top isn't hyperlinked (preferably to the homepage). I've gotten used that one little feature, so would it be too much trouble to add that in, or does SMF not let you do that?

Introduce Yourself! / A Cherry-Flavored * Draws Near (again)
« on: September 04, 2008, 02:15:51 pm »
So, *this* is the new take on Omnimaga. I'm glad it's back up and running again, and I hope that nothing like before will ever happen again.

On a somewhat lighter note, I get to say "Hi" since this is the first time I'm on this particular incarnation of Omnimaga.

News / First Announcement
« on: February 12, 2008, 12:53:00 am »
And there goes the neighborhood.


ASM / Sprites ?
« on: July 13, 2007, 02:48:00 pm »
Maybe if you happened to try to write to $4747 or $7474 and the value there happened to be $74 or $47?

Highly unlikely, but I'd do myself the favor of staying away from doing stuff like that.

ASM / Sprites ?
« on: July 12, 2007, 03:30:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-calc84maniac+12 Jul, 2007, 19:38-->
QUOTE (calc84maniac @ 12 Jul, 2007, 19:38)
If HL does point to ROM, would that affect anything?  

 I'm not sure, but it might be treated as implied load instructions by the FlashROM chip, which may tell it that you're attempting to send commands to it. Because of Flash locking, the microcontroller will see this and issue the standard response for attempting to issue instructions to Flash. I believe this is a calc reset. (RST 00h)

Need verification.

Introduce Yourself! / hello there !
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:59:00 am »
From a guy that doesn't visit Omnimaga regularly, but *does* visit #Omnimaga on dragonfire, like, all the time...

Welcome to Omnimaga!

( Sorry. I don't have any edible object to throw. I kinda ate them all... )

ASM / Sprites ?
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:53:00 am »
If you're trying to waste space, and you needed to use one more byte, why couldn't you use an instruction that takes up a helluvalot more time? The push/pop sequence is a good candidate for that. If you know that HL doesn't point to any ROM, you can also do a INC (HL) \ DEC (HL) sequence to waste one more CC than the push/pop sequence.

But if this wasn't greyscale and if you needed to waste a LOT of time, couldn't you just call the fastcopy routine again?

ASM / Question About
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:36:00 am »

When you download the file, take a look at "TASMTABS.HTM". It will describe everything you need to build a table file.

As far as rules go, the highlights are as follows:
R1 : Make the arg relative to PC (single byte)
ZBIT: Z80 Bit instructions
ZIDX: (also denoted as ZIX), Z80 Indexed instructions (i.e. ADC A,(IX+x) )
NOTOUCH or NOP : Do nothing to instruction or args

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