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Messages - InternetCliche

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:42:38 pm »
Um... is Abs() even an Axe token? It doesn't seem to do anything for me and it's not listed in the command index, although it compiles.
I just checked the 1.0.5 command list, and abs() is valid.

Hm, Firefox is just failing at finding text in pages :/
Well, the problem was solved, but I am using firefox as well. Never updated past 3.6 though.

Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:41:15 pm »
Um... is Abs() even an Axe token? It doesn't seem to do anything for me and it's not listed in the command index, although it compiles.
I just checked the 1.0.5 command list, and abs() is valid.

{CONST} or {CONST + Var} produces a 'Wrong # of Args' error D:
Thanks, I just caught that.  A workaround for now is to just add the constant after the variable: Var + CONST, which is more optimized anyway.
This could have something to do with the issue.
Try {R+GDB1} and {R+GDB2} instead and see if that works.

Ah. Thanks-a-plenty. Compiles fine now. Wonder why it doesn't complain about the 37 other instances of {GDBX+somevar}. Not even the other one on the same line.

Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:37:41 pm »
Um... is Abs() even an Axe token? It doesn't seem to do anything for me and it's not listed in the command index, although it compiles.
It is in the basic math section. Ctrl-F it.

Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:31:39 pm »
hmm, usually its a parenthesis issue, at least with me. What do you have set as R?
R is

Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:27:54 pm »
nope, try

:If (abs(A+r1-{GDB1+R})< 8 ) and (abs(B+r2-{GDB2+R})< 8 )
:If (abs(A+r1-{GDB1+R})<8 and abs(B+r2-{GDB2+R})< 8 )
:If abs(A+r1-{GDB1+R})<8 and abs(B+r2-{GDB2+R})< 8
None of them work. Still highlights that end bracket of {GDB1+R}.

Axe / Re: Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:22:37 pm »
get rid of the ( before the second abs(, that might be it
Nope. Doesn't compile, and if it did the logic would be wrong. Is this a bug with Axe?

Axe / Error: Arguments on abs()?
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:18:33 pm »
The following line of code produces the error WRONG # OF ARGS, highlighting the end bracket of {GDB1+R}
Code: [Select]
If abs(A+r1-{GDB1+R})<8 and (abs(B+r2-{GDB2+R})<8)Any ideas? And there is no subroutine named R, I checked for that.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello Omnimagians!
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:04:37 pm »
lost it? the 84+ just takes a standard mini-usb, do you have any of those?
Unfortunately, all my other devices are micro-usb. I am a sad panda.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello Omnimagians!
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:00:51 pm »
Heya welcome!!!!!
How long have you been doing axe?
you should post some of your games in the forum. :)
I believe I started axe around 4.6, and I would love to post my games, but I seem to have lost my cable. And some of them don't compile anymore. Because apparently abs(x) takes more than one argument.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Which Axe version do you use?
« on: November 15, 2011, 04:57:07 pm »
I'm boring and always use the most recent version.

Introduce Yourself! / Hello Omnimagians!
« on: November 15, 2011, 04:55:05 pm »
Hello! I have been lurking here for quite a while, and decided it was high time I introduced myself. Mostly because i just remembered I had an account. And I just found this board.

In terms of programming, I used to do TI-BASIC, but now write games entirely in Axe, with basic only used for programs for math. I make games during physics and calculus which include pacman, yet another 2d portal (which is as buggy as a swamp in a rainforest with decaying carcasses), and a couple random original ideas. Sometimes I also get classwork done!

In terms of calcs, I have 3 TI-84+'s. Just because. One of them has a full archive of my old TI-BASIC games. Which are mostly space shooters and platformers.

And now I have wasted some of your time.

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