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Messages - JoeyBelgier

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General Calculator Help / Re: New Here; Need Help
« on: August 14, 2010, 02:51:28 pm »
Well, I've noticed in the past (I'm celebrating my comeback q: )  that file-sharing isn't really appreciated here.
I can't help you with this anyways, since I'm 84+ only kinda-person.

Welcome to the forums by the way!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: French Translation / Traduction Française
« on: August 14, 2010, 02:07:12 pm »
Nice work! That reminds me DJ, if you need something translated to Dutch, I'm still alive ^^

TI-BASIC / Re: Programs become unstable over time?
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:51:02 pm »
I don't know if it counts but, back when Calc84Maniac was overloading us with projects and demos, I was one of the persons testing them. I happened to have a newer calc than most of the other people and somehow during the test of one of his games my calc got corrupted. He did give me a few lines of asm( code and my calc worked again, altho slower. As example, Chips Challenges' greyscale flickers a bit and works obviously slower than on other calcs. It wasn't Chip's that corrupted my calc though, can't really remember what that project was.

Damn it has been a long time.

General Calculator Help / Re: TI-83 Plus link port failure
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:45:36 pm »
Got the same problem once..
Actually, I was transferring a project I was working on for a few days (utermost rare moment) then suddenly TI-Connect stopped working and my calc crashed => project gone <_<

Anyhow, software corruption is certainly possible, to put it a bit crude: TI sucks and has a lot of shortcommings <_<
That said, did you try all your USB ports? I noticed that some didn't work on my laptop but one of them still does the job.

Quote from: NecroF-_-ckk
Rekenmachine help en discussie in het Nederlands
- Een sectie voor algemene rekenmachine-hulp en discussie in het Nederlands. Gebruik a.u.b. de Engelstalige 'projects section' om games of andere niewe applicaties te tonen. Ook als je dit alleen maar met behulp van een vertaler en/of screenshots kan.

Diverse discussie in het Nederlands
- Hier kan je over alles praten wat je wil, zolang het binnen de forumregels blijft.

Miscellaneous / Re: Ran a mile in bare feet
« on: May 07, 2010, 11:03:01 am »
@ Omni; 'chea, I hate most sports, a lot
@ Eeems; ): that sucks

Miscellaneous / Re: Ran a mile in bare feet
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:25:25 pm »
It's getting stereotypical calc-lovers have ribcage-problems in this topic o.O + Ohai Eeems

Personally, my trick to not get my calculator taken by people at school or resetted is to keep it in my pocket or bring it with me everytime, even if just to go give something to the teacher.
at first I read this I thought wth, you freak =P But then I thought of all the Illusiats and your other great projects and I immediatly understood the story q:

TI-Nspire / Re: Nspire Raycaster
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:00:00 pm »
Holy fuck, Doom-era games on an Nspire, nice job

Miscellaneous / Re: Ran a mile in bare feet
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:56:02 pm »
Looks like we're almost all malfunctioning, lol

Miscellaneous / Re: Ran a mile in bare feet
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:53:50 pm »
I'm pretty sure I would've made such a jokes too x.x don't get me wrong, I don't mean it wrong, I'm friendly but sarcastic in every way I can q:

Anywho, I hate running too. Thanks to astma, a small form of pectus excavatum, smoking a few years now, a general shitty condition PLUS not being able to produce fat, so barely having fat to convert to muscles..

Fuck yea, I hate running. Altho I do it sometimes when I get angry/sad/pissed. Just to another village and back xd

Humour and Jokes / lol
« on: May 01, 2010, 07:59:09 pm »
Watch this xD

Found a way to embed it :D

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes
« on: April 18, 2010, 04:44:28 am »
nonono don't get me wrong D: Why would I limit you to be what you want to o.O that's wrong.
I mean I'd kill who is against you D: And you should never leave, ever! Altho we've been in discussion quite a few times I still like you ;.;

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes
« on: April 18, 2010, 04:26:45 am »
I did not really find it funny under the original context since it seemed like he was messing with me but out of context like this I guess it can sound pretty funny.
Awh c'mon DJ, even if he's trying too it'd be funny, unless of course you take offense to a retarded word-joke :P NOONE MESSES WITH THE DJ OR I'LL KILL YOUR MOTHERS DOGS SISTER WHO IS MARRIED TO YOUR UNCLE, AND I'LL KILL HIM TOO! AND YOUR MAILMAN, C'Z HE'S PROBABLY YOUR FATHER, anything for you, DJ (:

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes
« on: April 17, 2010, 10:41:22 pm »
I don't rly know but still it looks fantastic xd
now one from a few minutes ago;

[20:09:46] <@geekboy> dammti who to chose
[20:09:52] <@geekboy> i have 7 ppl to chose from X.x
[20:09:54] <Buckeye> analyzing?
[20:10:11] <Buckeye> im pretty sure analizing them would be sticking them in your anal region :P
[20:12:57] <@DJ_Omni> ...
[20:13:05] <@DJ_Omni> no
[20:14:40] <@DJ_Omni> cya
[20:14:44] * @DJ_Omni ([email protected]) Quit
[20:16:18] <@geekboy> ;.;


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