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Messages - MPoupe

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News / Re: Casio fx-9860G video player
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:16:01 am »
@Qwerty.55: The sound quality was not affected by CPU speed (it sounded ~ the same for CPU speeds 2x and 4x). There is probably some non-linearity in the serial port.
@DJ Omnimaga: The TI84 plus has serial port, or 2 bit parallel port (as the TI-92 has?). How is the sound created? My player uses serial port as 1 bit D/A converter.

News / Re: Casio fx-9860G video player
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:30:06 am »
Not a problem if we have 2 calculators!
And with 3 calculators, we could also have stereo! :P
The calculator has 2 serial ports... :-)
But only 1 has an external connector.
BTW: did somebody of you try the audio player ? What do you think about the sound quality ? I think it is terrible :-(

News / Re: Casio fx-9860G video player
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:50:09 am »
Cool stuff! ^^ It looks like it has a decent framerate too!
It has 40 fps, but the full speed (of unoverclocked calculator) is around 100 fps.

I also tried the audio+video together, but the audio was almost unusable :-(

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